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  • How to bridge Kafka and FTL in a Docker environment

    Manoj Chaurasia

    Table of Contents


    If you want to create a docker image of a Kafka bridge make sure to have:

    • Docker deamon installed on your host
    • Access to the following file:
      • TIB_ftl_6.*_linux_linux_x86_64-development.deb
      • TIB_ftl_6.*_linux_linux_x86_64-java.deb
      • TIB_ftl_6.*_linux_linux_x86_64-runtime.deb
      • TIB_ftl_6.*_linux_linux_x86_64-servers.deb
      • TIB_ftl_6.*_linux_linux_x86_64-thirdparty.deb
      • TIB_msg-akd-bridge_2.*_linux_x86_64-bridge.deb
      • TIB_msg-akd-bridge_2.*_linux_x86_64-monitoring.deb
      • TIB_msg-akd-core_*_linux_x86_64.deb

    All files can be found in eDelivery inside the installation pack of the corresponding products.


    Prepare the image:


    The bridge will use the following files to read the connection properties for both Kafka and FTL, so you need to configure them properly for your own environment

    • In this file, you will set the Kafka connection properties and the message converter.
      • change bootstrap. servers with the url of Kafka
      • change plugin path with the right version of the bridge you are using
    • In this file, you will set the ftl URL and the Kafka topic name for flows from kafka to ftl
      • change ftl.realmservers with the url of ftl servers (pipe separated)
      • change the topic with the name of the Kafka topic from which the Kafka messages will be taken
    • In this file, you will set the ftl URL and the Kafka topic name for flows from ftl to kafka
      • change ftl.realmservers with the url of ftl servers (pipe separated)
      • change the topic with the name of the Kafka topic to which the Kafka messages will be sent
    • ftl-sink.yaml: In this file, you will set the ftl endpoint and application in which the ftl messages will be sent
      • change ftlServers with the url of ftl servers (pipe separated)
      • change ftlApplicationName with the ftl application name
      • change ftlEndpoints with a list of endpoints associated with the previous application
    • ftl-source.yaml: In this file, you will set the ftl endpoint and application from which the ftl messages will be taken
      • change ftlServers with the url of ftl servers (pipe separated)
      • change ftlApplicationName with the ftl application name
      • change ftlEndpoints with a list of endpoints associated with the previous application

    For further details please refer to Tibco and Kafka's official documentation


    To build the docker image:

    1. Unzip the attached zip file (
    2. Copy all the deb files inside the deb folder
    3. Modify the Dockerfile changing the env accordingly with the FTL and Kafka version you have downloaded
    4. from inside the folder run:
     docker build -t <IMAGE_NAME:VERSION> .  


    When you run the container you can decide whether to have the configuration files inside the container or in a mounted volume.

    An important thing is that the bridge container should be able to reach both FTL and Kafka servers, so if they are running in a docker network as well be sure to run the container with "--network=<NETWORK_NAME>"

    1) Config file inside the container


    docker run -it --rm --name kafka_bridge <IMAGE_NAME:VERSION>


    2) Config file in a volume


    docker run -it --rm --name kafka_bridge2 -v "$(pwd)"/config/:/opt/tibco/config/ <IMAGE_NAME:VERSION>


    Once the container is running you can test it sending\receiving messages to the Kafka topic and reading\publish on an FTL endpoint.

    You can refer to this guide:

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