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  • How to run TIBCO Enterprise Message Service instances as services in a Windows Environment

    Richard Flather

    In a Windows environment it is possible to run TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) instances has Windows Services.

    This article explains how to install and uninstall an EMS instance as a Windows service.

    Installation of an EMS instance as a Windows Service

    To install an EMS instance as a Windows service do the following:

    - Start a command window with the ?run as Administrator? option

    - Go to the <TIBCO_HOME>\ems\8.7\bin folder

    - Launch the following command :

    emsntsrg /i tibemsd <TIBCO_HOME>\ems\8.6\bin <TIBCO_HOME>\ems\8.7\bin ?-config <CONFIG_HOME>\tibco\cfgmgmt\ems\data\tibemsd.conf? <LABEL>

    For example:

    emsntsrg /i tibemsd C:\tibco670\ems\8.6\bin C:\tibco670\ems\8.7\bin ?-config C:\tibco670\config\tibco\cfgmgmt\ems\data\tibemsd.conf? DATA-7222

    The parameter <LABEL> is important to be able to differentiate the different EMS instance Services installed on the machine.

    Installation of an EMS instance as a Windows Service :


    Uninstallation of an EMS instance Windows Service

    To uninstall an EMS instance as a Windows service do the following:

    - Start a command window with the ?run as Administrator? option

    - Go to the <TIBCO_HOME>\ems\8.7\bin folder

    - Launch the following command :

    emsntsrg /r tibemsd <LABEL>

    For example:

    emsntsrg /r tibemsd DATA-7222

    Uninstallation of an EMS instance Service :


    EMS Windows service configuration

    You may configure the EMS service for delayed start (this is recommended).

    Configuring an EMS instance service for Delayed Start :


    You may change the account used to run the EMS Service to a service account.

    Configuring an EMS instance service to use a Service account :


    You may also configure the EMS Service for automatic restart in case of failure.

    Configuring an EMS instance service to be restarted in case of failure :


    Reference elements

    How to run TIBCO Enterprise Message Service instances as services in a Windows Environment.pdf

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