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  • BW6.X - BWCE - How to share a BusinessWorks 6.X installation between multiple users

    While usually BusinessWorks developers are working on a dedicated Windows workstation, it is more and more common with the development of offshore outsourcing to have developers connecting to server farms managed with solutions like Citrix or Microsoft RDS and sharing the same BusinessWorks installation.

    This article explain how to configure a BusinessWorks 6.X installation to allow multiple users to share it and how for them to use the BusinessWorks debugger at the same time.

    This applies also to BusinessWorks Container Edition.

    Configuring a BusinessWorks 6.X installation to be used by multiple users

    Once the standard installation is completed you just have to do the following :

    . Edit the file ‘TIBCOBusinessStudio.ini’ located in the <TIBCO_HOME>\studio\4.0\eclipse folder

    . Add the four following lines at the end of the file :


    Configuring BusinessStudio to allow multiple users to use the Debugger at the same time

    Use the ‘Run -> Debug Configurations’ menu option to display the ‘Debug Configurations’ panel, then select the ‘BWApplication’ object and display the ‘Arguments’ tab to update the value of the ‘org.osgi.service.http.port’ property (the port number must be different for each user).


    Configuring BusinessStudio to allow multiple users to use the Swagger UI at the same time

    For different users to use the Swagger UI at the same time it is also needed to use a different port for each user.

    This can be done from the Debug Configurations -> Arguments tab and by adding the following argument :<port number>

    For example:



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