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  • Debug your TIBCO Cloud Integration in TIBCO Business Studio before push to the Cloud

    Manoj Chaurasia

    Here is a little How2 of debugging your TIBCO Cloud Integration in TIBCO Business Studio locally, before pushing the Implementation to the Cloud.

    From the Implementation Project Module, use the right-click Context Menu to start the Implementation in the TIBCO BusinessWorks Debugger.  


    After Business Studio switched to Debug Perspective, go to Console and type in: "lrestdoc" to retrieve your Discovery URL
    (just hit enter to open the command mode in the console)


    Afterward just copy the Discovery URL and open it in e.g. Chrome or Firefox, and you can test your Services Implementation easily using a local Swagger UI. 


    Inside Business Studio you are able to set Breakpoints (right-click context menu) before and after every activity.


    During Debugging all Data of every Activity is available to you at all times.


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