What's New
TIBCO Cloud? Integration
- Configure secrets that store an SSL Keystore, truststore, or certificate file for TIBCO BusinessWorks apps
- Configure alerts and notifications for TIBCO BusinessWorks and TIBCO Flogo apps
- Added support for the Microsoft Dataverse connector
TIBCO Cloud Integration API
- The following methods have been added to configure secrets that store an SSL Keystore, truststore or certificate file for you to secure communications between SSL enabled systems and your TIBCO BusinessWorks apps. (IPAS-20681)
- GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/secrets
- GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/apps/appId/secrets
- POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/secrets
- PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/secrets
- The following methods have been added for configuring Alerts and Notifications rules for TIBCO BusinessWorks and TIBCO Flogo® Apps. Alerts and notifications configured for TIBCO Flogo and TIBCO BusinessWorks apps let you know when an app has met or exceeded selected criteria, such as CPU or memory thresholds. (IPAS-21748)
- GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}
- GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/alerts
- POST ?/v1?/subscriptions?/{subscriptionLocator}?/rules/{rulesId}
- DELETE ?/v1?/subscriptions?/{subscriptionLocator}?/rules/{rulesId}
Develop / TIBCO Flogo
- Added support for creating TIBCO Flogo apps directly from the TIBCO Cloud Integration - API Modeler user interface. (IPAS-21642)
- You can now copy an unpushed Flogo app. (FLOGO-9847)
- Users can now consume TCAM Mock endpoints in the Flogo Apps via TIBCO Cloud Mesh. (FLOGO-10147)
- Added support for re-running a flow instance on TIBCO Cloud Integration Execution History. (FLOGO-9851)
- You can now link activities on the main branch or any other branch from the conditional branch. (FLOGO-1554)
- The Flogo app created using the TIBCO Cloud? Integration - API Modeler platform is now updated when the specifications are modified. The updates in the app are reflected after clicking the Refresh icon. (FLOGO- 660)
- The flow designer is revamped to provide enhanced flexibility and new advanced features, such as branch merging. (FLOGO-8394)
Develop/TIBCO Flogo® Connectors
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon Elastic File System
- Added support for the Assume Role. (WIAMEF-26)
- Added support for using an AWS session key. (WIAMEF-50)
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon Glacier
Added support for using an AWS session key. (WIAMGL-47)
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Apache Pulsar
Added support for running TIBCO Flogo apps as an Apache Pulsar function. (FGPUL-240)
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Google Cloud Storage
There are no new features in this release.
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Microsoft Dataverse
Added support for the Microsoft Dataverse connector in TIBCO Cloud Integration.
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for MQTT
- Added support for AWS IoT that is compliant with MQTT 3.1.1 standards. (WIMQTT-116)
- Added Client Id field in the MQTT Connection Details section. (WIMQTT-116)
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for PostgreSQL
Enabled SQL syntax highlighting in the editor when using a PostgreSQL connection. (WIPGRS-577)
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for TIBCO® Data Virtualization
The Connector now supports the following:
- Stored procedures (FGTDV-70)
- One-way SSL (FGTDV-89)
- Call Procedure activity (FGTDV-98)
- Added SessionTimeout and RequestTimeout connection parameters. (FGTDV-90)
- Updated the ODBC driver to version 8.5.5. (FGTDV-100)
- Query input parameters are no longer mandatory. (FGTDV-66)
Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks?
Support of Smart Engine for HTTP-based transport
You can now generate various HTML reports for the engine data collected for different performance use cases with applications using HTTP-based transport. The Smart Engine also analyzes the engine data collected and provides recommendations to improve the performance of your application.
For more information, see the "Smart Engine" section in TIBCO ActiveMatrix
BusinessWorks? Administration. (AMBW-47836)
Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks? Plug-ins
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for AMQP
Session Support
Provided Session support for the Microsoft Azure Service Bus broker for the AMQPSendMessage and AMQPReceiveMessage activities. (AMQP-887)
Client ID Support
Provided support for setting a fixed client ID in the AMQP connection for the following brokers: (AMQP-999)
- Qpid-1-0
- AMQ-1-0
- ActiveMQ-1-0
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Apache Kafka
OpenTelemetry Predefined Tags
The plug-in now supports OpenTelemetry predefined tags. You can use these predefined
tags to get more information about the current job by running any activity in the palette.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Apache Pulsar
Added support for the Apache Pulsar plug-in in TIBCO Cloud Integration.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Database
Support for Native Drivers
The plug-in supports native drivers for all the supported databases.
Support for Geometric and UUID Data Types for PostgreSQL Database
The plug-in supports geometric data types (geometry, line, lseg, box, path, polygon, circle) and UUID data type for PostgreSQL database.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Google BigQuery
There are no new features in this release.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Get Context Information
The Get Context Information feature is added on the General tab of the Entity Event Source activity to fetch and display the context information on the Output tab.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData
- Added support for OAuth 2.0 on OData Connection Shared Resource. An Oauth Configuration checkbox is added on the Security tab of the OData Connection shared resource to use OAuth authentication. (BWOD-677)
- Added support for the Query Operation in OData Batch Activity. In this release, the OData plug-in supports batch requests with QUERY operation as a client to external OData V4 services through the OData Batch activity in OData Palette. (BWOD-710)
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for PeopleSoft
Support for New Activities
- IBRequest: The plug-in receives messages from the TIBCO environment and sends the message data to a PeopleSoft database using the Integration Broker.
- CIEventReceiver: This activity uses PeopleCode embedded in a TIBCO page to persist data entered by PeopleSoft users into a queue table. At runtime, the CIEventReceiver activity polls that queue table. If an unprocessed event is found, it sends the message out to the TIBCO environment and stamps the queue entry as processed.
Addition of Support for Migration of New Activities
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for PeopleSoft now supports the migration from the Adapter Subscriber activity and CI Publication Service to the CIEventReceiver activity and from Publish to Adapter Activity and Message Subscription Service to the IBRequest activity.
Hot Update
This feature is to update the module properties for the PeopleSoft Connection Shared resource for the Invoke activity only without restarting the application. It is supported with BWCE. For more information, see the Hot Update of Shared Resource topic in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for PeopleSoft User Guide.
Open Telemetry
Open Telemetry is added as of version 7.3.0 of the plug-in. It is supported with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? and TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition. For more information, see the "Open Telemetry Tracing for TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Adapter for PeopleSoft Palette" topic in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for PeopleSoft User Guide.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData Services for SAP S/4HANA
There are no new features in this release.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for SmartMapper
Visual Diff
The plug-in now supports comparison of two revisions of a process, two revisions of a shared resource and their artifacts side by side visually in TIBCO Business Studio? for BusinessWorks?. It highlights changes in newer revisions such as addition or removal of activities, changes in an activity, and shared resource configuration. The activities and shared resource are as follows:
- Add to Relationship Instance
- BulkExtract
- BulkLoad
- Create Relationship Instance
- Create Entity Instance
- Delete Relationship Instance
- Delete Entity Instance
- Dynamic Delete
- Dynamic Lookup
- Generate Key
- Lookup
- Update Entity Instance
- SmartMapper Wizard
- SmartMapper ER Model Shared Resource
Support for module property that enables output validation
The following module property is implemented to enable the output validation: com.tibco.bw.palette.smartmapper.enableOutputValidation. The plug-in doesn't take any action, if the module property is undefined or set to false.
Support for OpenTelemetry (Open Tracing)
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for SmartMapper now supports Open Telemetry (Open Tracing) predefined tags. You can use these predefined tags to get more information about the current job being run by any activity in the palette.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for TIBCO Cloud AuditSafe
Supports SSO Authentication
ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for TIBCO Auditsafe supports the SSO (Single Sign-on) login method for design time.
Changes in Functionality
Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks?
The default TIBCO BusinessWorks engine log level is changed from ROOT=WARN to ROOT=ERROR. This results in fewer entries being generated in the engine logs when a BusinessWorks app is started. If you want additional details, you can update the BW_LOGGER_OVERRIDES engine variable value to ROOT=WARN.
Develop/TIBCO Flogo®
The default TIBCO Flogo log level is changed from ROOT=WARN to ROOT=ERROR. This results in fewer entries being generated in the engine logs when a Flogo app is started. If you want additional details, you can update the FLOGO_LOG_LEVEL variable value to ROOT=WARN.
The validation error count for non-connected activity is changed. Hence, you see mismatch in error counts in the flow list and flow design pages.
The branching order of execution is changed. The new order is:
- Success with condition/Success with no matching condition/Error(if any)
- Success
If there are multiple success branches then execution is in the reverse order of addition.
The way the app properties are configured has now been changed. The save option is not enabled until the configuration of all app properties is completed.
The Start activity is now present on the canvas after which you can add and connect the other activities.
Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks? Plug-ins
When a new version of a TIBCO BusinessWorks Plug-in is released and that plug-in supports Supplements, you must upload the Supplements for the plug-in again in TIBCO Cloud Integration. If you deploy a new app or redeploy an existing app and the associated Supplements have not been reuploaded, the app deploy fails. For this release the updated plug-ins that require you to reupload supplements include:
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData
We have made a change in the formation of the OData URI. Now the filter expressions in the OData URI of OData Query/Batch activity will be enclosed in braces for Collection properties with the $filter query option : /People?$filter=Friends/any(x: ( x/UserName eq @uname))
Migration and Compatibility
TIBCO Cloud? Integration
TIBCO Cloud Integration only supports the most recent version of the Hybrid Agent and one version back. The most recent version of the Hybrid Agent is version 1.7.0, and the prior Hybrid Agent was version 1.6.0. If you have a Hybrid Agent installed that is older than version 1.6.0, you should install Hybrid Agent version 1.7.0 to ensure the best performance.
Deprecating and End of Support
In a future release, the option to select a Custom Access Key when enabling Flogo DB Services will be deprecated both in the user interface and the TIBCO Cloud Integration Platform API. When the DB Services option is enabled, a system key will be created instead. If you already have Flogo DB Services enabled with a Custom Access Key, that configuration will continue to work, however the drop-down used to select the Custom Access Key will no longer be visible. If you disable Flogo DB Services and later enable them again, the new configuration will use a system access key.
Closed Issues
Develop/TIBCO Flogo®
Mapper activity fails at runtime if the schema used has an Anonymous array.
If you rename an activity field, assertion configuration on such activities does not adjust automatically and also does not throw any validation error in the assertion file. When executing a unit test in such cases, the assertion fails.
No validations are displayed if the user enters an invalid assertion expression or performs incorrect mappings in flow inputs.
The dropbox token expires in about 4 hours.
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Apache Pulsar
ProducerBusy error is displayed for Apache Pulsar Publish activity.
When the Apache Pulsar Producer Activity is present in a running app, topics are created when the activity executes and a message is published, not when the app starts.
TIBCO Flogo® Connector for TIBCO® Data Virtualization
TIBCO Flogo Connector for TIBCO Data Virtualization Connector failed due to TIBCO Data Virtualization session timeout.
Prepared Query input parameters are mandatory for TIBCO Data Virtualization Query activity.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData
The system Query Options configured on the OData Service binding for Query operation are not reflected at runtime on invoking the service.
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData Services for SAP S/4HANA
When the SAP S/4HANA connection shared resource is configured for On-Premises / Private Cloud and the authentication type is set to Basic Authentication, the request URL does not connect to the appropriate SAP client if multiple SAP clients are configured in the SAP S/4HANA system. This issue is fixed.
To connect to the correct SAP S/4HANA client, the com.tibco.bw.palette.s4hana.sapclient Java property
must be specified in the TIBCO BusinessWorks runtime application. The value of this Java property is a string, i.e. "200".
To confirm that the Java property is being used, the DEBUG loglevel can be turned on for the package com.tibco.bw.palette.s4hana.runtime.
Below is an example of a DEBUG trace message. In this example, sap-client is set to 400.
16:13:13.016 DEBUG [bws4hanacloud-threadpool-thread-1] com.tibco.bw.palette.s4hana.
runtime.odata.ODataHandlerV2 - TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-S4HANACLOUD-200004: Generate HTTP
Request URL: [https://vhcals4hci.dummy.nodomain:44300/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV/
$metadata?sap-client=400], Activity Name=[ConsumeODataService],
Process=[tests4h.Read_XXX], Module=[TestS4H], DeploymentUnit=[TestS4H.application:1.0].
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for SmartMapper
New projects that use JDBC storage fail when created with TIBCO Business Studio? for BusinessWorks? version 6.9.0.
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