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    Set deployment scripts and use them asap in the project

    In TIBCO Business Studio?, you can generate scripts for deployments. (Refer to ?Generating an Administrator CLI Script? in Studio Help).

    Create a script that will undeploy, delete existing application and deploy and start the new one. Note that running process instances must be canceled. Generate the DAA, then generate CLI script.



    Select Undeploy and Delete. 2016-12-22_094856.png.0cf59938d73535e53b938b7930eb5f01.png


    Continue deployment configuration, and don?t select upgrade (it is selected if your application is already present on the target Server if so unselect it). 2016-12-22_094907.png.1158592c9cd83be473a1017f7ffa3624.png

    In TIBCO Business Studio?, you can generate scripts for deployments. (Refer to ?Generating an Administrator CLI Script? in Studio Help).

    Right-click on the DAA a select ?Generate CLI Script?. It will generate  <project>.deployment-build.xml and <project>.deployment-config.xml files

    There are 2 ways to create an application in AMX. ?from template? and ?from DAA?. By default, Studio is generating a script using the ?from template? approach. In this approach, the application is created from a given application template.

    • The application template is itself created from a DAA.
    • This approach requires specifying the template version in the config.xml file.
    • You should change the config file to declare the application so that the deployment will use the second approach.

    Your config file should look like

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <amxdata_base:Enterprise ...  <Environment xsi:type="amxdata:Environment" name="BPMEnvironment">    <Application xsi:type="amxdata:Application" name="samplecompany.mainprocess" contact="root" distributionPolicy="PRODUCT_APP">      <Component ...      <PromotedService ...      <PromotedReference   <DAA xsi:type="amxdata:DAA" location="C:\workspaceAMXBPM21\SampleCompanyMainProcess\Exports\DAA\samplecompany.mainprocess.daa">     </DAA>      <TargetApplication xsi:type="amxdata_reference:Application_reference" name=""/>    </Application>  </Environment>  </amxdata_base:Enterprise>


    With this approach, the config file does not include the version and the DAA will be uploaded to each deployment.

    You can directly use those scripts using the CLI (Command line interface) or in Studio (right click on the script config (XML file) and select ?run as ant script?.

    In a large project, you will deploy several applications. You should use those scripts as a starting point to create your project scripts (deploying a group of applications, checking deployed application on a server, ?).

    Refer to AMX BPM HTML documentation to learn the CLI. TIBCO Active Matrix BPM / Administration / SOA Administration / Administrator Interface / Command-Line interface. Force upload of the DAA: change upload.daa target to overwrite and not merge: 

    • overwrite="true" merge="false" createIfNotExists="true"

    Set automated build scripts and use them asap in the project

    You can create a fully automated build and deploy with no manual steps.

    Refer to ?TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Composite Development? ? Chapter 17 TIBCO Business Studio Command-Line Interface to create an Ant script that will get the source from your source control, and build the DAA. 

    Use a ?dev mode? deployment script to delete and deploy

    During development, you deploy several times the same process Application.

    Open <project>.deployment-config.xml file. It contains a line for the application template

     <ApplicationTemplate xsi:type="amxdata_reference:ApplicationTemplate_reference" name="tibco.sample.migrationstarter" version=""/>


    Remove the version tag

     <ApplicationTemplate xsi:type="amxdata_reference:ApplicationTemplate_reference" name="tibco.sample.migrationstarter" />


    So that your script will now run on any generated DAA!

    Open <project>.deployment-build.xml

    It contains instructions to upload the DAA, change the overwrite, merge option and failOnError.

     <!-- Upload DAA specified in the data file -->     <target name="upload.daa" description="Uploading Application">           <AMXAdminTask              action="add"              objectSelector="DAA"              remote="true"              propsFile="${remote-properties.file}"              dataFile="${basedir}/tibco.sample.migrationstarter.deployment-config.xml"              overwrite="true" merge="false" createIfNotExists="true"              force="false" failOnError="true" />      </target>


    Else, when you deploy a DAA without changing the version, the script would just create an application based on the old template already uploaded. In this dev Script, we want to force deployment even if the version number is the same.  

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