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  • RQL Samples

    Deepesh Tiwari


    to define a dynamic Query you need to use a Performer Data Field and a Dynamic Query within a Script. i.e. a Task Work Manager Open or Submit Script, here some examples:

    Claimant = WorkManagerFactory.getWorkItem().getWorkItemResource().getName();

    To get the GUID of the resource who has started the case:

    ClaimantGUID = Process.getOriginator();

    To get the handle of the resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+ ClaimantGUID +'")?;

    To get the position of resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+Claimant+'").position(name="*")?;  

    To get the orgUnit of resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+Claimant+'").position(name="*").orgunit(name = "*")?;

    To get the manager position of resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+Claimant+'").position(name="*").orgunit(name = "*").position(name="Manager")';

    To get the parent orgUnit of resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+Claimant+'").position(name="*").orgunit(name = "*").position(name="Manager").orgunit(name = "*")';

    To get Sr Manager position of parent orgUnit of resource who started the case:

    Authoriser = 'resource(name="'+Claimant+'").position(name="*").orgunit(name = "*").position(name="Manager").orgunit(name = "*").position(name=?SrManager?)';

    The Performer Data-field Authoriser can be used afterwards as a Step Task Participant.

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