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Case statement with multiple conditions

david lopez

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Hi Community,

Having trouble figuring out a case state and was hoping to get some help.I have one field [Event Code] which has multiple codes in it and another field [Effective Date]which has multiple dates in it going back 10 years. My goal is to create another column with a casestatement, and what I'd like is for the case statement to evaluatethe conditions of the codes but alsolimit only pulling back results that are limited to the last 36 months. Any idea how I'd create this Below is a snapshot of the data and my initial case statement, without the date condition, not sure where that would go.

Thanks for any help.


when [Event Code] = "HIR"

or [Event Code] = "REH"

then "Category 1"

when [Event Code] = "PRO"

or [Event Code] = "LAT"

or [Event Code] = "DEM"

or [Event Code] = "XFR"

then "Category 2"

when [Event Code] = "TER"

or [Event Code] = "RET"

then "Category 3"


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