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Help with subscriber connection getting hung

Syed Abrar

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We have aTibco EMS subscriber . Some times the subscriber tries to do a failover switch even though there was no failover on the server side. And it tries to connect to the standby server and fails. And then even though its connected to the ems broker, it stops consuming the messages

The warning on the subscriber side is as below

2019-06-11 07:59:14,970 WARN [ader (Server-480213)] EMSConnectionExceptionListener:55 - Received JMS Exception

javax.jms.JMSException: Connection has performed fault-tolerant switch to lnycmtdspap4p.nam.nsroot.net:18603

at com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnection._reconnect(TibjmsConnection.java:1888)

at com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnection$ServerLinkEventHandler.onEventReconnect(TibjmsConnection.java:361)

at com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxLinkTcp._doReconnect(TibjmsxLinkTcp.java:590)

at com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxLinkTcp$LinkReader.work(TibjmsxLinkTcp.java:307)

at com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxLinkTcp$LinkReader.run(TibjmsxLinkTcp.java:247)


Below is connect and reconnet attemps configuration in the factories.conf


type = xatopic

url = lnycmtdspap4p.nam.nsroot.net:18603,lnjcmtdspap4c.nam.nsroot.net:18603

connect_attempt_count = 20

connect_attempt_delay = 2000

reconnect_attempt_count = 30

reconnect_attempt_delay = 2000


And the heartbeat settings in the tibemsd.conf is as below

client_heartbeat_server = 3

server_timeout_client_connection = 12

server_heartbeat_server = 3

server_timeout_server_connection = 15


We are using Tibco EMS version 7

Version 7.0.1 V4 2/27/2013



My question:

1) Why

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