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Can TIBCO DV expose data to consumers in the form of JSON

Indranil Banerjee 3

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Our data is in Relational Database tables and a lot of complex joins are needed to generate an entity. Can we use TIBCO DV to pre-format the data in JSON format and just serve up the JSON data when a consumer needs the data Or is the JSON preparation done at the time the consumer call is received
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Presuming you're speaking about web based (REST) access, the JSON is generated at the time of the request - the data is always live, and accurate to the underlying view/data source.


The general solution to thisis normally to cache the complex query, and serve your published web service from the cache:

- Create a view containing your complex query

- Cache it using single or multi-table caching

- Publish the view as a web service


Is there something specific in your use case that would preclude a solution like this

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