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How to perform 'POST' operation in TIBCO BW 6.5

Rudra Singh

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Hi Guys,

I have created a queue (MyQueueName)in Azure ServiceBus. To send message on that queue I create an Authorizationtoken with a Java class and I pass it in the 'Headers' in POSTMAN

I am doing a POST operation and I am hitting this URL (https://AzureSampleNamespace.servicebus.windows.net/MyQueueName/messages) in POSTMAN.

Header contain 3 name/value pair i.e:-

1) Authorization :- My Auth Token

2) Host :-AzureSampleNamespace.servicebus.windows.net

3) Content-Type :- text/plain

In the 'Body' of POSTMAN I am just passing a sample raw text as input. When hitting via POSTMANI am successfully able to send message on my queue and got a '201 created'


Now to do the same POST via TIBCO BW 6.5, I created a Timer activity followed by 'Send-HTTP-Request' activity.

In theSend-HTTP-Request, I created its HTTP Client which has Host as 'AzureSampleNamespace.servicebus.windows.net' and Port as '443' [as I am doing HTTPS call].

In the 'Input' tab configuration are:-

1) Method :- 'POST'

2)RequestURI :- '/MyQueueName/messages'

3)PostData:- 'Hello this is a sample text'

Now I created 3 Dynamic Headers, whose name and value contains this :- (Authorization , Host , Content-Type).

When I am running my process.bwp , it goes till Send-HTTP-Request and waits there only. It does not complete the process and is not able to send the message on my queue.

Can anyone please help me in resolving this

Thank you,


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Got the answer for this. But bit disapponted with the community, not reached many people ( don't know why) and no response/idea (again don't know why). I have also worked on WSO2 and Mulesoft, the response onboth their forums are much proactive.

Nonetheless, below is solution


1) Need to add "security" keystore (.jks) to HTTP Client as we are hitting and HTTPS url. Certs can be downloaded from that URL (which will be downloaded as .pem file) then we can convert that .pem cert to .JKS using Java Keytool. Just give the path of .JKS and password while configuring it in studio.


2) Rest above mentioned configuration are correct [ Make sure to open firewall port for the URl if anyone is on company network]

We can also use "InvokeRestApi" activity to perform the same.

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