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Line Chart Creation - Dynamic Trend charts with Custom filtering


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I need to create a line chart, based on input field values and getting data from the data table. Here's what I have constructed so far:

-----Input boxes----

CurrencyProperty(drop box):

BalanceMetric (drop box): Values: 'Authorization', 'Outstanding'

BenchmarkComparison: Values: 'Lob', Industry


Based on the above, I need to create a Line Chart that shows: (Authorizations - Borrower Vs Industry Avg) Or (Outstanding - Borrwer Vs Industry Avg) Or (Authorizations - Borrower Vs Lob) Or(Outstanding - Borrwer Vs Lob) - basically one of the 4 charts, based on the input

Here's what I did: Created CurrencyProperty, MetricProperty, BenchmarkComparison

CurrencyProperty: expressions, 'CAD' , 'USD'

MetricProperty: expression for Outstanding:If(${CurrencyProperty}='CAD',Sum([bOOK_OUTSTDNG_CAD_AMT]) ,Sum([bOOK_OUTSTDNG_USD_AMT])) as Outstanding

Similar expression for Authorization:

BenchmarkComparison: expression for Lob:If(${CurrencyProperty}='CAD',Avg([ESR_ATHRZ_CAD_AMT]) over [FCY_LVL1_RPT_BOD_NM],Avg([ESR_ATHRZ_USD_AMT]) over [FCY_LVL1_RPT_BOD_NM])

Similar expression for IndustryAvg

Basically its just a two line chart - One line for Borrower and other one for Industry Avg or Lob. (changes depending on Authorization or Outstanding). I am able to create one line, but unable to add the other trend line. Any ideas Appreciate your help. I am a newbie here..learning the ropes


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