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Dynamical UNIONs of new (CSV) tables

Sören Schönfeld

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Hi all,

what is the most efficient way to create a view that dynamically UNIONs new (CSV) tables

Background: Let us assume that there is a folder containing an unknown number of CSV files (of the same structure). For example, one CSV per day or so.

How do I set up the TDV data source, TDV Views etc. to create such a dynamic UNION of these files

On a side note: When I have an unknown number of SQL Tables I could use SQL Cursor statmenents (explained here https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/149335/create-a-view-that-dynami... ) to create such dynamich UNIONs.

Is there a related TDV example available

Thank you!!!

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Easiest way to do this, is probably to use Dynamic SQL with an SQL script:

- take parameters to the SQL script that allow you to determine which CSVs you need (or just pull all of the ones for that data source)

- iterate the CSV filenames to build SQL with a union

- return a cursor for the dynamic sql

- wrap in a view if needed

- publish

This requires the CSVs to have the same number of columns, or be padded to that requirement.

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