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Using XML as Source, Scribe only reads first record in file.

Dina Kovar

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I am using XML as a source file to update Dynamics CRM. My XML Connector is working, finding the XML files. However, it is only reading and inserting the first record in the xml file. I have the Data Schema.xsd file that is being read correctly. Shouldn't I be able to create multiple records in Dynamics from a single XML file This is a one to many relationship - one Registration_data label contains mutliple Registration_record labels. I want each Registration_record to be inserted as it's own record into Dynamics. I can upload sample xml files if requested.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi, have you tried the includes tab in the Query block to configure the 1 to many relationship from your XMLfile that you need to read

Then select the entity from the list in the general tab of the Query block.

You could also try adding for each child block within your for each block to cycle thru all your children after you selected in the includes tab and relationship.

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Thanks for the suggestions.  I had done the first one (the includes tab).  


I tried the Child Block.  It is recognizing a grandchild, but not the child. It seems to be treating the first child block as a parent block, and ignores all the other child blocks at the same level. I am working with Scribe support on this.  

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