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Need REST API endpoint URL to monitor/GET Alerts and other data information from Tibco HAWK

Kundan Bisht

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Dear Techie,


I have received a requirement wherein we need to monitor Tibco HAWK using Splunk.

I have already checked over forums and didn't get any proper solution.

RTView is one but for that we would require to procure license of SL RTView which would collect monitoring data from Tibco HAWK and post which Splunk can collect it via REST API.

My query is if Splunk can capture it using REST API then it should be able to do it without RTView and can do that directly from TIBCO Hawk.

Please guide me with the REST API endpoint URL to capture/fetch the data from HAWK tool.

Also if any of you have any other solution, please provide

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Hawk 6.1 and above has a new designed Hawk Console which supports rest api invoke.

Please start Hawk Console and refer to Hawk doc with regard to how to invoke rest method against Hawk.

Please contact tibco support if any questions.


Tristan Chou

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yes, as long as Splunk can invoke rest api.


Before try rest api from Splunk, you may try Swagger UI which bundled with Hawk and make sure the url and parameters are working.




Hawk Console supports GET action to retrieve all alerts belongs to an agent.




Tristan Chou

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