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Scribe Online - Query or Lookup block filters

Stephen Outram

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I'd like to filter a query or lookup block to return only 5 item-types, using the field itemID.

It appears the connector (Netsuite) doesn't allow multiple filters using the same operator, for example

this works:

ItemID equals 169164

this creates an error:

ItemID equals 169164 OR

ItemID equals 112263

Error " The supported query complexity has been exceeded. A field can be used only once."

So, is it possible to make something like this work

ItemID equals 169164 || 112263 || 125295 || 125820 || 169162

With this one I get a boolean value error

Error " Object of type 'System.Boolean' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'. "

Have tried:

TOSTRING(169164 || 112263 || 125295 || 125820 || 169162)

but get the same boolean error as above.

I'd really appreciate assistance with this.

Thank you,


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Hi Stephen,

In TCI Scribe you can start a map with a Query that cycles thru a list of itemids,

it will read the itemids one at a time, you could then add an IF Block in your Scribe map,

this does work with OR and AND (to filter the 5 itemids) since it is filtered within Scribe not netsuite.


Similarly you could design a map with a different query input from let's say a csv text file

but can use a Fetch block or Lookup block within an IF Block(filtered with the itemids) to only lookup or Fetch the itemid's that you are interested in.


Hope this helps.

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Thank you Ash,

"... start a map with a Query that cycles thru a list of itemids ..."

This would be perfect, and how would I begin that The maps I'm working with begin with a query block, which appears to have limited filtering. Can I begin a query stack differently


And yes to lookup and fetch, though they are placed down the stack, and I was hoping to filter at the top of query.

Many thanks.

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