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Hi, I'm currently evaluating Flogo (Web UI) and can't seem to find a way to properly handle JSON data or indeed any data that gets returned from my API's. I'm used to using Node-Red that enables you easily define a custom function to do anything I need.

How does this get handled in Flogo Do I need to drop down to the command line to build my own functions outside of the UI Is there at least an easy way to query the JSON data. I noticed there's a JSON.path() utility but that doesnt seem to be fully implemented. i.e. The wildcard in this expression is not supported.$.Books[*].Name




I have a simple flow that invokes a REST API hosted at

To query the JSON response data, I provided a response schema to the InvokeRESTService activity, and then iterated over the response in LogKeys.

I have also usedarrays.forEach() in GetNonSignedBooks (a Mapper) to filter out unsigned books.

Alternatively, there is the ParseJSON activity but I have not used it yet.

Maybe you're looking for more complex examples, but hope this helps you out.


Hmm, they dont seem to be in the docker image. Is there somthing I'm missing 


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Contribution - You will need to install this contribution before you can use it in an app

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