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Adding a contact to an existing account

Joe DeNicola

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I have a table of contacts that has these fields:





I want to add these contacts to the account with the value in AccountName. The accounts already exist.

Using Scribe Insight Workbench, I have a Seek step that seeks in the "account" entity where "name" = AccountName.

Then I have an Insert step that inserts into the "contact" entity with data links on "lastname", "firstname", "emailaddress1" and I set "parentcustomeridtype" to 1.

When I run the job, it adds the contacts, but it always puts them on an account that is OUR company name, not the one in AccountName.

1) I thought that the Insert step would get "parentcustomerid" from the Seek step and automatically fill it in.

2) I also tried adding a formula to "parentcustomerid" of: DBLOOKUP(S1,"Adapter for Dynamics CRM 2011","account","name","accountid"). Stepping through the job, it shows that it is finding the GUID of the account in the data, but that is not the account it creates the contact for. It ALWAYS puts it on the account that is OUR company name.

This seems like it should be simple... what am I doing wrong with this


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