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TIBCO BW 6.5.1 - File-->New--Project--> BusinessWorks Application vs BusinessWorks Application Module

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I am using TIBCO business studo 6.5.1 on my windows 10 machine.


In TIBCO Business Studio, if you click on File-->New-->Project--BusinessWorks, there are three options. i have a question regarding two of them.(attached screenshot)


Although i have read the documentation, but i couldn't understand the difference between BusinessWorks Application and BusinessWorks Application Module. Based on what criteria we should choose one over another


An application module is the smallest unit of resources that is named, versioned, and packaged as part of an application, and then executed in the BusinessWorks runtime environment. So it doesn't really matter if you'd start with BusinessWorks Application or BusinessWorks Application Module.

As an Integration specialist or a Developer, it's easier (for me) to start with the BusinessWorks Application which would also create the required BusinessWorks Application Module.

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