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reading from html input field

zinaw Tesemma

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You can use a python script attached to your submit button.




The Python Code may need some alterations to account for your but its working for a static HTML Table .



from System import IO

from System.Text import Encoding

from System.IO import Path, File, StreamWriter

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataTableSaveSettings

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import TextFileDataSource

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import HtmlTextArea

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import TextDataReaderSettings


vis0 = x.As[HtmlTextArea]()

mytext = ''

for z in vis0.HtmlContent.split('n'):

if "" in z :

mytext += '"' + z.replace('','').replace('','') + '"' + ','

if "" in z :

if mytext.endswith(',') :

mytext = mytext[:-1]

mytext += 'n'

print mytext


ms = IO.MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mytext))


#Add tempfile back into Spotfire using TextFileDataSource

readerSet = TextDataReaderSettings()

readerSet.Separator = ","


textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(ms, readerSet )





myNewTable = Document.Data.Tables.Add("HTMLTOTABLE",textDataSource)

#If you want to change the data table to be embedded and not linked, use the following code

settings = DataTableSaveSettings (myNewTable,False, False);


table2 = Document.Data.Tables["HTMLTOTABLE"]


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You can dynamically create document properties using  but I'm not sure you'll be able to use the script to insert those document properties into the Text Area (the script is to create a document propery but not sure if you can update the text area to display it.





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Thanks a lot, this covered most of the challenges. 


After making adjustment to account for the <input> field, the HTMLTOTABLE capture all columns, except what the value user entered in the input field. 


on static input field it is doable since we are assigning them to Document Properties, but in this instance the html is created dynamically where there is no Document Properties.


is there a way to capture the values or is there way to create Dynamic Document Properties via script when generating the html



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Thanks yes, you are correct, that is more for script side. 


Another way I am looking at this issue,  if there is a way to capture data from an input field. where the input field is not assigned to Document Properties 


To test it out, I assigned a default value to be assigned when generating the input fields dynamically. After I made a change tto the default value via textarea, I run the script and it is only getting the original default value not the modified value. 


that is the  difficult I am having, not sure anything I need to do to make the html or the input field recognize the new data/updates

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Have you tried unchecking the "Execute in Transaction" box in the python script.  


or in your script to create the table try to add a space to the of the TextArea so that new data is read. 




for viz in page.Visuals:
       if viz.TypeId == VisualTypeIdentifiers.HtmlTextArea:
           viz.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent += " ";



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Thanks for update, still no solution. I am not sure if this is html issue or HTMLContent issue  I can capture and post the value anywhere in the page. 


but when capturing the vis.HtmlContent , they just disappear, they don't show up anywhere in any tag


also, the input field will let my input value change the default value, but trying to read it where the script don't recognize  value... 



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