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External Command Activity

Priya Mahajan

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When I'm trying to execute this XCOM command usingExternal Command Activity in Tibco BW 5.14, It is not able to find the//ad/nas/abc/"Test 1.txt"

xcomtcp -f /nas/XCOMConfig.cnf REMOTE_FILE_RF=//ad/nas/abc/"Test 1.txt" LOCAL_FILE_RF=/nas/abc/pqr/"Test 1.txt"

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Did you try removing the double quotes //ad/nas/abc/Test 1.txt or putting them like this : " //ad/nas/abc/Test 1.txt".


If that doesn't help you may try to execute the command from a command window on the BW server and see if you get an error message, you may also need to check access rights for the account used to run your BW.

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