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  • Application monitoring on Docker (TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition 2.3.2)

    Manoj Chaurasia

    Table of Contents

    Follow these steps to implement Application monitoring of TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition application on Docker.

    DOCKER MONITORING (TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition 2.3.2)

    1. Download the bwce_mon.zip TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition monitoring zip file, from http://edelivery.tibco.com.

    2. Extract the zip file in the docker folder of your TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition


    3. Navigate to the bwce_mon directory and build the docker image by running the following command:

      docker build -t bwce/monitoring:latest .

    4. Ensure that MySQL or PostgreSQL is running and the user is created with all the privileges. You can use a standalone docker to run the monitoring applicaton by passing the two environment variables.

      1. You must pass the two environment variables to start monitoring an application.


      3. Run the following command.

        For MySQL

         docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="mysql" -e DB_URL="mysql://<user name:password>@<machine:port/database> --name <containerName> <monitoringImageName:tag>


        For PostGresSQL

         docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PERSISTENCE_TYPE="postgres" -e DB_URL="postgresql://<user name:password>@<machine:port/database> --name <containerName> <monitoringImageName:tag>


        For example:

         docker run -p 8080:8080 -e persistence_TYPE="mysql" -e DB_URL="mysql://TIBCO:Tibco123!@localhost:3306/bwcemonitoring" --name bwce-monitoring bwce/monitoring:latest

    5. After the monitoring container runs successfully, you can access the monitoring UI by using following URL in the the browser


    6. Create a docker file to deploy application on docker.

      FROM tibco/bwce:latest MAINTAINER Tibco ADD <application name>.ear / EXPOSE 8080

    7. Run the Docker terminal and navigate to the directory where the EAR and Docker file are stored.

    8. Run the following command to build the application image:

      docker build -t <application name> .

      ex. docker build ?t restapp:latest .

    9. In docker run command, set an environment variable BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG to enable monitoring

      Using Application Monitoring URL

      docker run -d -p 18065:8080 -e BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG='{"url":"http://<docker-host-IP>:8080"}'<application name>

      Note: For Docker on Windows platform use the BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG environment variable changes to:



      Using Link on Same Docker Host

      docker run --link=<name or id>:alias -p 18080:8080 -e BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG='{"url":"http://<alias>:8080"}' <applicationName>

      Note: For Docker on Windows platform, the BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG environment variable changes to:



      For example, on Windows:

       docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -e BW_APP_MONITORING_CONFIG={\"url\":\"


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