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  • BW5.X - How to truncate deployment history in BusinessWorks 5.X

    By default in a BusinessWorks 5.X environment when you deploy an application the previous deployment is kept and it is possible to easily revert to that deployment or an older one if needed. The historization of a deployment includes both the application archive and the deployment configuration.

    This is an interesting feature but after time the number of such historized deployments can be large and may slow down new deployments.

    This article explains how to truncate the deployment history. This can be done using TIBCO Administrator or using AppManage.

    Truncating the deployment history from TIBCO Administrator

    By default the deployment history is kept without limit (Max Deployment Revision = -1).


    Which may lead to have a deep deployment history:


    It is possible to truncate the deployment history from TIBCO Adminitrator with the following:

    . Open the Configuration panel at the application level (the top level)

    . Update the Max Deployment Revision parameter to a limited value (for example 5) and Save


    . Truncate the deployment history


    . The history is now limited to the 5 most recent deployments


    Truncating the deployment history using AppManage

    Using AppManage the same can be achieved by using the following approach:

    . Edit the deployment .xml file to update the following tag:


    . Redeploy the application

    Note also that the default value of the ‘Max Deployment Revision’ parameter can be set when a domain is created or by updating an existing domain configuration.

    At creation time just set the value of the MaxDeploymentRevision tag in the CreateDomain.xml file:


    To update an existing domain configuration you can use the DomainUtilitycmd tool with the Miscellaneous.xml file template.


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