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  • BW6.X - How to set properties for all appnodes at once in a BusinessWorks 6.X environment

    In some cases it is needed to set one or multiple properties with the same values for all appnodes, for example to enable the memory saving mode for all appnodes or setting up the Hawk micro-agent configuration for all appnodes.

    Using the standard approach this requires the existing config.ini files of all appspaces, or all appnodes, to be updated with the needed properties and later the properties to be added in the configuration of all the newly created appspaces.

    It is possible to set one or multiple properties with the same values for all appnodes by using the following approach:

    . Go to the <TIBCO_HOME>/bw/6.X/bin directory

    . Edit the bwappnode.tra file

    . At the end of the file add the needed properties with their names prefixed by

    . The change is taken into account when the appnodes are restarted

    Note that property values defined in the appspace config.ini file take precedence over the values defined in the bwappnode.tra file and that property values defined the appnode config.ini file take precedence over values defined in the appspace config.ini and the bwappnode.tra file.


    # Setting Hawk properties for all appnodes at once

    This can be done by adding the following properties at the end of the bwappnode.tra file:

    This approach works when using a Rendezvous transport between the Hawk agent and the Hawk micro-agents while the exact same configuration can be used by all appnodes.

    # Setting the memory saving mode for all appnodes at once

    This can be done by adding the following property at the end of the bwappnode.tra file:

    # Enabling unicode characters conversion in the Parse JSON activity for all appnodes at once

    This can be done by adding the following property at the end of the bwappnode.tra file:

    Additional elements
    For more information about tra and config.ini files you can have a look to the following article:

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