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  • BW6.X - How to start all deployed applications when a BusinessWorks 6.X appnode is started

    In a BusinessWorks 6.X environment the state of an application is managed in a file stored in the local appspace folder.

    This state can be Enabled which means the application is supposed to be running or Disabled which means the application is supposed to be stopped.

    When an appnode is restarted the standard behaviour is to try to start all applications that are in state ‘Enabled’ and to do nothing with the other applications.

    In a production environment this may create issues in some scenarios where the state of an application is not properly persisted and is not aligned with what is expected by the operation team.

    This behaviour can be changed to always start all applications when the appnode is restarted, in this approach restarting an appnode means also restarting all the deployed applications (whatever what was the states persisted before the appnode restart).

    This can be done by simply adding the following property in the appnode configuration:


    To apply this property to a given appnode, you have to do the following:
    . Go in the appnode directory :
    . Edit the config.ini file
    . Add the following line at the end of the file
    . The property will be taken into account at the next appnode restart

    To apply this property to all appnodes, you have to do the following:
    . Go in the BusinessWorks bin directory :
    . Edit the bwappnode.tra file
    . Add the following line at the end of the file (note that there is a prefix added)
    . The property will be taken into account at the next restart of each appnode

    For more information on appnodes .tra and config.ini files you can have a look to the following article:


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