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  • BW6.X - Important things to know about BusinessWorks 6.X tra files and config.ini files

    In BusinessWorks 6.X the technical runtime configuration parameters and the BusinessWorks parameters are managed in different files:

    . The technical runtime parameters are managed in the tra files (this mostly includes JVM parameters and classpath definitions)

    . The BusinessWorks parameters are managed in config.ini files (this include appspaces and appnodes runtime parameters and BusinessWorks applications runtime parameters like for example the Flow Limit parameters)

    Important things to know about tra files

    In BusinessWorks 6.X the technical runtime parameters are split across multiple tra files managed in each BusinessWorks server (precisely in each TIBCO BusinessWorks 6.X installation folder):

    . The bwcommon.tra file that is included in the tra files of all BusinessWorks components (bwagent, bwadmin, appnodes, …)
    . The bwappnode.tra file that is included in the tra files of all BusinessWorks appspaces
    . The appspace tra files, those files are included in the tra files of the related appnodes (in other words each appspace tra file is included in the tra files of all the appnodes that are part of it)

    Appspace tra files are located in the following folder : <TIBCO_HOME>\bw\6.7\domains\<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>\appspaces\<YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME>

    and named : bwappnode-<YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME>.tra

    . The appnode tra files, an appnode tra file includes all technical runtime parameters of the appnode: the parameters inherited from the included files and the parameters defined into it

    Appnode tra files are located in the following folder : <TIBCO_HOME>\bw\6.7\domains\<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>\appnodes\<YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME>\<YOUR_APPNODE_NAME>\bin and named bwappnode-<YOUR_APPNODE_NAME>.tra

    Taking into account the above, a parameter value defined at a given level apply to all components at a lower level except if the parameter value is redefined at any of the lower levels.


    Important things to know about config.ini files

    In BusinessWorks 6.X appspaces and appnodes runtime parameters and applications runtime parameters are managed as properties in config.ini files managed in each BusinessWorks server (precisely in each domain folder):

    . The appspace config.ini files, there is one file per appspace located in the folder : <TIBCO_HOME>\bw\6.7\domains\<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>\appspaces\<YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME>

    . The appnode config.ini files, there is one file per appnode located in the folder : <TIBCO_HOME>\bw\6.7\domains\<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>\appnodes\<YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME>\<YOUR_APPNODE_NAME>

    A property value defined in the config.ini of an appspace apply to all the appnodes that are part of the appspace except if the parameter value is redefined in the config.ini of the appnodes.


    When updating the configuration of an appspace using a configuration file you have to use the following command to make sure configuration changes are propagated on all BusinessWorks servers:

    bwadmin config -d < YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME > -a < YOUR_APPSPACE_NAME > -cf <TIBCO_HOME>\bw\6.7\config\YourAppspaceName_config.ini

    Properties managed in config.ini files can also be defined in tra files using the following syntax :

    java.property.<property name>=<value>

    How to set a property value for all appnodes at once

    Using the elements above a simple way to set a property value for all appnodes at once on a machine is to update the bwappnode.tra file on that machine with the needed property. This is taken into account by all appnodes hosted on that machine except for the appnodes that would redefine this property in their tra or config.ini files. Appnodes needs to be restarted for the change to be taken into account.

    This is very useful to manage Hawk micro-agents configuration parameters that are the same for all appnodes, to do so you can just add the following properties in the bwappnode.tra file, for example :


    You can also enable the memory saving mode for all appnodes by adding the following properties in the bwappnode.tra file :


    Reference elements and other elements

    Reference elements from BusinessWorks documentation :


    Some other useful elements about config.ini template files are also available in this other article:


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