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  • Configuring TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 5 to connect to MariaDB database server over TLS

    This article explains how to configure JDBC Connection shared resource in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 5 to connect to MariaDB database server over TLS.


    The JDBC driver JAR file (MariaDB Connector/J - mariadb-java-client-x.x.x.jar) must be available in bwengine classpath.

    JDBC Driver

    Do not select a driver from the Select driver dropdown. In the JDBC Driver field, type in org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

    Database URL

    To enable TLS with mutual authentication, specify the URL as follows -

    For example,
    • useSSL - Set this property to true to enable TLS
    • trustStore - Full path to the trust store containing the DB server certificate 
    • trustStorePassword - Trust store password
    • keyStore - Full path to the keystore containing the client certificate and private key
    • keyStorePassword - Keystore password

    Using system properties to specify the trust store and keystore files

    The trust store and keystore can be specified using the system properties javax.net.ssl.trustStore and javax.net.ssl.keyStore respectively. When using these system properties, specify the URL as follows -


    Add the following properties to designer.tra/bwengine.tra -


    References -





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