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  • How to enable additional logging in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 5

    This article explains how to enable additional logging for debugging purposes in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ 5 (BW).

    General Logging

    Activity Tracing

    To enable additional logging for all the activities in all the process definitions in an application, set the property Trace.Task.* to true.


    It is possible to enable additional logging for specific process definitions or specific activities. A few examples are given below with reference to the following process definition.


    To enable additional logging for all the activities in this process definition only, set the property as follows - 


    To enable additional logging for the activity ‘Confirm’ only, set the property as follows -


    Whitespace characters in names must be escaped. To enable additional logging for the activity ‘JDBC Query’, set the property as follows -

    Trace.Task.BusinessProcesses/MainProcesses/Events/ReceiveEvents.process.JDBC\ Query=true

    For an activity within a group, specify the group name followed by the activity name. To enable additional logging for the activity ‘JMS Queue Sender’, set the property as follows -

    Trace.Task.BusinessProcesses/MainProcesses/Events/ReceiveEvents.process.Group/JMS\ Queue\ Sender=true

    Activity Input/Output Logging

    When tracing is enabled for an activity, it is possible to get the activity input and output logged but setting the properties bw.engine.showInput and bw.engine.showOutput to true.


    Process Starter Tracing

    To enable additional logging for all the process starters in all the process definitions, set the property Trace.JC.* to true


    To enable additional logging for the process starter in a specific process definition, specify the process definition.


    Startup Tracing

    To enable additional logging for the application startup, set the property Trace.Startup to true. When this property is set to true, the properties set for the application, the global variables used and the details of initialization of processes are written to the application log file. 


    SSL/TLS Debug Logging

    SSL debug logs are helpful in troubleshooting SSL issues. For instructions on enabling SSL debug logging, see the following link -

    Palette-specific logging

    In addition to BW activity tracing, additional logging can be enabled for third-party components. For example, in the case of Send HTTP Request activity, HttpClient debug logs provide information about connection establishment, message exchange etc. In the case of JDBC activities, JDBC driver debug logs provide information about database operations performed by the driver. 


    On the client side (SOAP Request Reply with HTTP transport or Send HTTP Request), HttpClient debug logging can be enabled  to get outbound requests and inbound responses logged. For instructions on enabling HttpClient debug logging, see the following link -

    On the server side, if server type is Tomcat, debug logging can be enabled to get inbound request headers and outbound response headers logged.

    Set the logger org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestDumperFilter to debug in BW_HOME/lib/log4j2.xml

    <logger name="org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestDumperFilter" level="debug"  additivity="false">
        <AppenderRef ref="tibco_bw_log"/>

    Add the following property to DESIGNER_HOME/properties.cfg or application .tra file.




    Oracle JDBC driver logging is based on java.util.logging. To enable additional logging, set the property oracle.jdbc.Trace to true and the property java.util.logging.config.file to the location of the logging properties file in designer.tra/application .tra file. -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/tmp/

    For information on the logging properties and Oracle JDBC driver logging in general, see the following link -

    SQL Server 

    SQL Server JDBC driver logging is based on java.util.logging. To enable additional logging, set the property java.util.logging.config.file to the location of the logging properties file in designer.tra/application .tra file.

    For information on the logging properties and SQL Server JDBC driver logging in general, see the following link -

    IBM DB2

    To enable additional logging, set the property db2.jcc.propertiesFile to the location of the logging properties file in designer.tra/application .tra file.

    Sample properties -


    For information on the logging properties and IBM DB2 JDBC driver logging in general, see the following link -


    PostgreSQL JDBC driver logging is based on java.util.logging. To enable additional logging, set the property java.util.logging.config.file to the location of the logging properties file in designer.tra/application .tra file.

    For information on the logging properties and PostgreSQL JDBC driver logging in general, see the following link -


    To enable additional logging for MariaDB JDBC driver, set the logger org.mariadb.jdbc to trace in log4j.xml or log4j2.xml under BW_HOME/lib.

    <logger name="org.mariadb.jdbc" level="trace" additivity="false">
    <AppenderRef ref="tibco_bw_log"/> 

    For information on MariaDB JDBC driver logging, see the following link -

    TIBCO Database Driver Supplement Software (TDDS)

    TDDS drivers provide DataDirect Spy feature that can be used for enabling additional logging. The SpyAttributes connection property can be used to specify DataDirect Spy options. To direct logging to a file, specify the property as follows -

    For example, jdbc:tibcosoftwareinc:oracle://dbserver:1521;SID=orcl19;SpyAttributes=(log=(file)/tmp/SpyLog.log)

    For information on the DataDirect Spy feature, see the following link -



    In the case of JMS activities connecting to TIBCO EMS, EMS client tracing can be enabled for additional information about JMS operations.

    Add the following property to designer.tra/application .tra file

    Run the following command to enable client tracing

    set server client_trace=enabled

    IBM MQ

    In the case of JMS activities connecting to IBM MQ, see the following link for tracing options.


    To enable additional logging for Mail palette activities, add the following property to designer.tra/application .tra file

    Security Policy

    For instructions on enabling additional logging for security policy operations (encryption, signing etc.), see the following link -

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