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  • TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition on Alicloud

    Manoj Chaurasia

    Table of Contents


    Create a Sample TIBCO BusinessWorks? Container Edition application and create a docker image of the same application

    Push the application image to the Docker hub

    Alibaba cloud account with Alibaba container service enabled.


    1. Create Application

    2. Create Cluster

      • Log on to the Container Service console.

      • Click Clusters in the left navigation pane, and then click Create Cluster in the upper-right corner.

      • Enter the basic information of the cluster. Cluster Name: The name of the cluster to be created.

      • Set the network type of the cluster.

        You can set the network types to Classic or VPC. Corresponding ECS instances and other cloud resources are managed under the corresponding network environment. If you select Classic, no additional configuration is required. The classic network is a public basic network uniformly planned by Alibaba Cloud. The network address and topology are assigned by Alibaba Cloud and can be used without special configurations. If you select VPC, you need to configure relevant information.VPC enables you to build an isolated network environment based on Alibaba Cloud. You will have full control over your own virtual network, including a free IP address range, network segment division, route table, gateway configuration, and so on. You need to specify a VPC, a VSwitchId, and the starting network segment of a container (subnet segment to which the Docker container belongs. For the convenience of IP management, the container of each virtual machine belongs to a different network segment, and the container subnet segment should not conflict with the virtual machine segment). It is recommended that you build an exclusive VPC/VSwitchId for the container cluster to prevent network conflicts.

      • Add nodes.

        You can create a cluster with nodes, or create a zero-node cluster and then add existing nodes to the cluster. For information about how to add existing nodes to the cluster, refer to Add an existing ECS instance. Add Set the operating system of the node. Operating systems such as 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 and 64-bit CentOS 7.0 are supported.

      • Configure the ECS instance specifications

        You can specify different instance types and quantities, the capacity of the data disk (The ECS instance has a 20GB system disk by default), and logon password.

        If you set the network type to VPC, by default, the Container Service configures an EIP for each ECS instance under the VPC. If this is not required, select Do not Configure Public EIP. However, you will then need to configure the SNAT gateway.

      • Configure EIP.

      • Create a Server Load Balancer instance.

        When a cluster is created, a public network Server Load Balancer instance is created by default. You can access the container applications in the cluster through this Server Load Balancer.

        This is a Pay-As-You-Go Server Load Balancer instance.

      • Click Create Cluster.

        After the cluster is successfully created, you can see in the cluster list

      • Log on to the Container Service console.

      • Click Applications in the left navigation pane and click Create Application in the upper-right corner.
    3. Set the basic application information.

      • Name: The name of the application to be created. It must contain 1~64 characters and can be composed of numbers, Chinese characters, English letters, and hyphens (-).

      • Version: The version of the application to be created. By default, the version is 1.0.

      • Cluster: The cluster to which the application will be deployed to.

      • Update Method: The release method of the application. You can select Standard Release or Blue-Green Release.

      • Description: Information on the application. It can be left blank and, if entered, cannot exceed 1,024 characters. This information will be displayed on the Application List page.

      • Pull Docker Image: When selected, Container Service pulls the latest Docker image in the registry to create the application, even when the tag of the image does not change.

      • In order to improve efficiency, Container Service caches the image; and at deployment, if the tag of the image is consistent with that of the local cache, Container Service uses the cached image instead of pulling the image from the registry. Therefore, if you modify your code and image but do not modify the image tag, Container Service will use the old image cached locally to deploy the application. When this option is selected, Container Service ignores the cached image and re-pulls the image from the registry no matter whether the tag of the image is consistent with that of the cached image, ensuring that the latest image and code are always used.

    4. Click Create with Image

      • Set the Image Name and Image Version.

      • Set the Image Name as the Docker hub image that we have already pushed to the docker hub

      • Set the number of containers (Scale).

      • Set the Network Mode.

      • Currently, the Container Service supports two network modes: Default and host. If you do not set this parameter, the Default mode is used by default.

      • Set the Restart parameter, namely whether to restart the container automatically in case of exception.

      • Set the launch command (Command and Entrypoint) of the container.

      • If specified, this will overwrite the image configuration.

      • Set the resource limits (CPU Limit and Memory Limit) of the container.

      • Set the Port Mapping, Web Routing, and Load Balancer parameters.

      • Note: Add web routing and Map container port to the domain name of your choice. So once the container is running user can access the application by Domain Name. Region name.alicontainer.com

      • Set the container Data Volume.

      • Set the Environment variables.

      • Set the container Labels..

      • Set whether to enable container Smooth Upgrade.

      • Set the container Across Multiple zones settings.

      • You can select Ensure to distribute the containers in two different zones; if you select this option, the container creation fails if there are less than two zones in the current cluster or if the containers cannot be distributed in two different zones due to limited machine resources. If you select Try best, the Container Service will distribute the containers in two different zones as long as possible and the containers will still be created successfully even if they cannot be deployed in two different zones.

      • If you do not set this setting, the Container Service will distribute the containers in a single zone by default.

      • Set the container Auto Scaling rules.

      • Click Create and the Container Service creates the application according to the preceding settings

    5. Once Container is started you will see service is getting created along with application

    6. Click on Services and you will get details about the service

    7. Click on the endpoint and append swagger to url

    8. Provide input in Swagger and check the output

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