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  • TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Administration

    Vikas Kumar 9

    Table of Contents

    person-tibco-icon_0(1).png.36126b918d89ff289794cd0551923f00.pngAdministration Topics

    This Section is more for TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid ralated topics, in connection with Business Process Management, more related content of operating TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM can be found it the 


    Helpful standard documents

    TIBCO recommendations

    In a production environment, TIBCO recommends that the ActiveMatrix Administrator server is hosted independently from ActiveMatrix BPM, using its own set of TIBCO Host instances. If a high availability, the fault-tolerant configuration is required, the ActiveMatrix Administrator server should also be replicated. In a production environment, TIBCO recommends the use of a distributed configuration for ActiveMatrix BPM (along with a suitable underlying architecture).

    This configuration can provide the following advantages

    • Scalability:: ActiveMatrix BPM software provides the specialization and horizontal scalability capabilities. A BPM logical node can be added to boost the capacity of the BPM system in the required areas - web tier, process management, or work management. Distribute BPM logical nodes to different TIBCO Host instances and physical machines as required. See "IM Enterprise Architecture - Concepts?  for more information about the different types of BPM logical node and their uses.
    • High availability and fault tolerance:: ActiveMatrix BPM software provides active/active clustering capabilities. Adding a second BPM logical node (of type BPM ) provides high availability and fault tolerance. In the event of a system-affecting failure on one node, the load is automatically switched to the remaining node.

    Each discrete BPM system is hosted on its own set of TIBCO Host instances so they can be independently lifecycle or upgraded at the host level.

    TIBCO recommends a minimum specification for any server used to host a BPM system.

    • Processor Two 3 GHz dual-core processors.
    • System Memory 8 GB of virtual memory is available for user applications.


    Each instance of the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM application must have a unique name within a TIBCO ActiveMatrix environment. This name identifies the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM system within that TIBCO ActiveMatrix environment. (The combination of the environment name and application name uniquely identifies the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM system within the TIBCO ActiveMatrix enterprise.) A TIBCO ActiveMatrix node can only host a single TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM system (or part of a distributed TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM system).

    High Availability (HA)


    HA Features

    • Load balanced by EMS server or HTTP load balancer
    • Fault tolerance on messages
    • Applications are deployed across all nodes though applications can be split into different functional components.

    HA Requirements

    • HTTP Load Balancer (Optional)
    • Highly available database
    • Highly available LDAP
    • A clustered file system that supports EMS file-locking requirements
    • TCP connections between servers
    • All components are co-located within the same data center for FT but nodes can be spread across data centers for HA
    • A shared file system is required for AMX Administration and must be accessible by all boxes.  Typically this can be provided by an NFS mount to an NFS server.
    • tiny Network Share, for some global BPM Configuration Files that can be changed by Administrators at runtime. 

    Environment Description

    execute the following commands on your machines, change to the path: 


    [amx bpm root]\tibcohost\Admin-AMX BPM-AMX BPM Server\host\bin

    • tibcohost describeHost
    • tibcohost describeNodes

    Sample result for i.e. AMX BPM 1.2.0 HF2 on AMX Plattform 3.1.3 HF2 (Windows Server 2008)

    Invoking describeHost, Host description follows:


        Host name: SystemHost


        Enterprise name: AMX BPM


        HPA instance name: Admin-AMX BPM-AMX BPM Server


        Bind status: bound


        Internet host name: 10.33.xx.xx


        HPA type: TibcoHost


        HPA version: 2.0.0


        Host platform version: 3.1.3.HF2


        Connect URL: service:jmx:jmxmp://WSDEMO:6051


        O/S name: Windows Server 2008


        O/S version: 6.0


        O/S process ID: 3152


        System architecture: x86


        Secure connection: false




    Invoking describeNodes


    Description of node "BPMNode" follows:


        Node Description: TIBCO BPM Node


        Current status: RUNNING


        Node type: com.tibco.amf.hpa.tibcohost.node.hibernate.feature


        Node type version: 3.1.302


        Start mode: auto

    Description of node "SystemNode" follows:


        Node description: Admin Default Node


        Current status: RUNNING


        Node type: com.tibco.amf.hpa.tibcohost.node.hibernate.feature


        Node type version: 3.1.302


        Start mode: auto

    Database Configuration

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM is heavily dependent on underneath Database and it must be monitored very carefully. e.g. MS SQL / Oracle "Auto Extend" ON can be used to limit out-of-space errors.


    List of used AMX BPM default Ports:




    25     : SMTP email


    8080 : Workspace / Openspace / AppDev / API?s  


    8120 : AMX Administrator


    6021 : Admin Management Port


    6031 : Node Management Port


    6041 : Credential Server Details


    6051 : TIBCO host


    7222 : EMS - AMX


    8777 : Policyagent


    10801: LDAP


    19767: internal http Cx

    Database Connections i.e. (defaults)


    1521 : ORACLE


    1433 : MS SQL




    ... plus any Web Service called or made available, using a non-default httpConnector Resource Template. (non-default Resource Templates in general)

    Debug Log

    Check-in administrator that the application is started.

    Look in your <Node Directory>/nodes/BPMNode/logs directory, and look to see if any of the log files change. If yes - see what messages have been logged at that time

    Turn debug on in administrator and reproduce the issue, to turn to debug on in applications:

    1. select 'amx.bpm.app',
    2. Look at the Configuration tab, select 'Logging Configurations',
    3. Pick the first  item (com.tibco.bx) click the '+' icon next to the name,
    4. A line will appear - notice the 'Level' column will now be populated with the word 'WARN',
    5. Click on the 'WARN' word and a drop-down pick list will appear,
    6. Select 'DEBUG' from the list, the save button will now be highlighted,
    7. Press save, once saved the 'Apply' button will be highlighted, press Apply,  
    8. Repeat this procedure for the other two - remember to save and then apply

    Now you will see more information being written to the BPMNode/logs files, once you have reproduced the issue switch logging from debug to warning.

    enable JConsole

    Add the following lines to ?tibamx_BPMNode.tra?

    #=============================================================== # Adjust the version of the classpath here. # =============================================================== tibco.include.tra=C:/Tibco/amx-bpm1.0.2/tibcohost/1.2/scripts/node_classpath_3.0.1.HF1.tra java.property.com.sun.management.jmxremote=true java.property.com.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9091 java.property.com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false java.property.com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false

    JConsole Screenshot


    Details Link: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/jconsole.html

    enable OSGI Console

    The following procedure to activate the OSGi procedure

    • ./tibcohost sncp -nodeName BPMNode_01 -properties osgi.console=1112

    Invoking setNodeConfigurationProperties

    •    -nodeName BPMNode_01
    •    -properties osgi.console=1112

    Setting node ""BPMNode_01"" properties, previous node property values follow:

    • osgi.console = null

    New node property values follow:

    • osgi.console = 1112

    Restart the node,

    • then telnet on port 1112

    The following command will disable it again:

    • ./tibcohost sncp -nodeName BPMNode_01 -properties osgi.console=null

    Change Admin root password

    Password is located in this folder:


    The UserID is plain text (root) but the password is obfuscated.

    You can generate the obfuscated password by running the ANT Task.


    You need to use ? The ?obfuscate_build.xml? which is located at : TibcoConfig\tibco\data\admin\AMX BPM\samples\




    Sample Output

    D:\AMXBPM210\TCTGA\tibco\data\admin\AMX BPM\samples>ant -f obfuscate_build.xml -Dpassword=staff123


    Buildfile: D:\AMXBPM210\TCTGA\tibco\data\admin\AMX BPM\samples\obfuscate_build.xml




    [AMXObfuscateTask]  INFO - Initializing JSSE's crypto provider class com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider in default mode


    [AMXObfuscateTask] Obfuscated value:[#!Rmo6DytBbEU2GMRW4oN+9bpbrtZUSc8uEt0f1MMlrWQ=]



    Total time: 16 seconds

    Content topic backlog list

    in Example things like

    • Underlying Platform
    • Security
    • Failover and DR
    • Sizing
    • Hotfix dependencies
    • Tips & Tricks

    Any contribution is welcome!

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