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  • TIBCO® BPM Testing

    Vikas Kumar 9

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    End to End Business Procedures

    TIBCO® BPM supports techniques to test Procedures End2End by using

    Before a Business focused Test can start the following have to be in place

    • Authentication with different Users
    • Integration Tests of Services to Backends
    • UI Connectivity & Performance Tests

    Otherwise, there is the risk, that Business Users get busy with technical issues, and they should focus on the Business Side of a Process/App only.

    As more flexible a process Implementation is designed, it could happen that the process can only be tested in Components, this could also be the Case if the User is not driven by the Process itself, e.g. in case there are huge Forms containing a lot of logic and data.

    Business Process Categories

    • Automated Procedures
      • easy to test automatically by standard Tools, as they can be started on API Level.
      • Results can be validated in Target Systems (e.g. Backend Systems)
    • Human-Centric Workflows
      • the flow of Procedures can be tested using Emulation Files for Human Activities
      • Audit Trails allowing the validation of the flow
      • If it comes to the UI, Forms, Look'n Feel, manual Tests are most times requiered 
    • Case Management Apps
      • should be focused on performing Test for e.g. Case Search Functionalities, standalone Case Actions
      • Case States and Audit Trails allowing the validation of the flow 
      • If it comes to the UI, Forms, Look'n-Feel, manual Tests are most times required 


    • API Level Testing
      • JMeter, recordings over Proxy possible
      • SOAP-UI, Scripting
      • Postman
    • UI Level Testing
      • HP Loadrunner 
      • Borland?s SilkPerformer
      • Selenium IDE

    Procedure Performance

    The Performance and the throughput of Business Procedures can be affected by the following

    • Execution Engine Configurations (see Tuning Guide
    • Database Configuration and Indexes
    • OS / CPU / Memory / Hard disc / Network / Virtualisation
    • Subsystem performance
      • LDAP
      • JMS
    • Backend performance
      • CMS
      • other Systems and their Services

    Here a collection of Tools that can be used in the Context of TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM to perform performance Tests

    Performance Testing on Service/API Level

    browsers independently, but does note rendering times on Client-Side i.e. when loading large amounts of data into complex forms


    This Tools are more for BPM logic and Service functionality Testing.

    • JMeter, recordings over Proxy possible
    • SOAP-UI, Scripting
    • Postman

    Performance Testing on UI Level 

    Reflects loading large amounts of data into complex forms and traffic for loading javascript & resources etc. across the network.


    Could have side effects of used Browser, i.e. on IE8 can be up to 10 times slower than on latest Chrome


    This Tools covering the real UI Implementation, incl. Form Validation, Action Scripts, etc.

    • HP Loadrunner 
    • Borland?s SilkPerformer
    • Selenium IDE

    Analysing the Results

    Tools like TIBCO Spotfire allowing easy analyses of Issues and to compare results, as they allow to bring all details in one context.

    picture1_1.thumb.png.c3d61a39640dd868861cb5e551eb1122.png     picture2_0.png.c3a3578d352294a5156ef9fcac27496b.png

    ^ Process Execution durations over full test cycle, with drill-down into Activities 

    picture3_0.png.cd9729014e857158ea89c68a2522baa2.png   picture4_0.png.5663f9a351ed542537c559c62014bb1c.png

    ^ Results from OS Level using Tools like NMon & IOZone

    picture5_0.thumb.png.c653c438b169c737b4819a12850095b9.png  picture6.png.bf5781ec8362192fbd51c1e67e679519.png

    ^ Dashboard View in context of the Test Execution, here a Sample with in Peak 242 processed workitems per second.

    Content topic backlog list

    in Example things like

    • Sample Implemenations

    Any contribution is welcome!

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