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  • Quickly and easily create TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Environments for Development using the Docker Sample

    Sucheta S

    So you have a great idea for a tactical BPM application using TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM but you need to quickly create your own development environment so that you can build/test/validate your idea and application.

    Or perhaps you already use TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM but want to try something on the latest version without having to wait to upgrade your development servers?

    In these scenarios a BPM docker image is perfect. You dont need to know lots about docker and once the image is created you can spin up new containers in minutes. ActiveMatrix BPM 4.x introduced a fully scripted docker image creator that you can use to create a self contained ActiveMatrix BPM environment with an embedded DB, document server and LDAP server. The generated image will run on a small linux image - exposing the BPM UI and APIs (admin, openspace,appdev) on your local machine ports.

    Even if you have never used docker before - following these simple steps should enable you to create your own docker BPM image and allow you to spin up new BPM containers as required - enabling you to create innovative apps on Activematrix BPM without requiring external servers/environments:

    Note: the process requires unix style tools to run bash/scripts - these steps are for a mac. If you use windows you will need to create the image from a linux box or use tools such as cygwin.

    1. Install docker on your machine from

    2. Configure memory and CPU option for docker - docker preferences/advanced. I would recommend at least 12GB and 4 CPU cores.

    3. You will need to download the following Tibco software from (for product downloads) and (for hotfix - HF - downloads)

      • The docker wrapper:

      • ActiveMatrix BPM for linux:

      • EMS for linux:

      • Rest Binding Type for ActiveMatrix:

      • Latest AMX HF:

      • Latest Rest Binding Type HF:

      • Latest ActiveMatrix BPM HF: Currently not required on 4.2

    4. Extract the to a new folder ~/dockerBase

    5. Copy all the downloaded installation zips to ~/dockerBase/TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker/software

    6. From a terminal/cmd line run

       docker pull ubuntu:latest

    7. Now run the ubuntu image and map the dockerBase directory. Note: the command also exposes the docker daemon to the ubuntu container and starts a new shell:

       docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker -v ~/dockerBase:/dockerBase ubuntu:latest bash

    8. You should now have a new ubuntu shell. it should look something like this:


    9. You are now on the ubuntu container. Just switch to the /dockerBase/TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker directory and run the build script

       cd /dockerBase/TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker  ./build

    10. Now wait while a new image is created containing installed versions of all the BPM software. This should take around 20-30 minutes. Once complete you will see something similar to this:

       bpm-end-to-end:  BUILD SUCCESSFUL  Total time: 16 minutes 12 seconds  bpm  sha256:2766bd5ced187f60f706b82eeebcf4df22addb87f5375b119604abcfe473e415  bpm  root@1b2dda1be5bc:/dockerBase/TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker#

    11. Exit the ubuntu image shell


    12. You can now display your docker images by running docker images - and will see your new docker image for BPM

       MacBook:TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker jsmith$ docker images  REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE tibco/bpm            latest              2766bd5ced18        12 minutes ago      6.52GB

    13. You can start a new container based off this image by running the following command:

       docker run -d -p 8120:8120 -p 8080:8080 -p 10801:10801 -p 19767:19767 -h localhost  --name=bpm42 tibco/bpm

    14. Wait 5 minutes whilst your docker container will starts. After a short while BPM will be available on your local machine using standard URLS:

    15. If you wish you can access the shell on your BPM container as follows:

       docker exec -it bpm42 bash

    16. You can stop your container using the following command:

       docker stop bpm42

    17. To restart your container use the following command:

       docker start bpm42

    Congratulations - you should now have your own fully running BPM server environment

    In the future if you wish to create a new container you can just create a new container from the base image:

     docker run -d -p 8120:8120 -p 8080:8080 -p 10801:10801 -p 19767:19767 -h localhost  --name=bpm42_2 tibco/bpm

    If you do some deployments and want to save the container 'bpm42' as a new image 'newbpm42img' you can do so using:

     docker commit bpm42 newbpm42img


    For further information on the ActiveMatrix BPM docker sample and guidelines/restrictions please read the TIB_amx-bpm_4.2.0_docker/readme.txt file.

    For further information on docker please refer to

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