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  • TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM WebClient Session Timeout Settings

    Sucheta S

    There are three places that one needs to configure that timeout, Sample sets the Timeout to 1 hour instead of Default 30 minutes.

    • A file called OSProperties.properties
    • A file called WSProperties.properties
    • The NODE.TRA file

    The Node TRA file:

     [bPM Config Home]tibcohost/Admin-AMX BPM-AMX BPM Server/data_3.2.x/nodes/BPMNode/bin/tibamx_BPMNode.tra  java.property.com.tibco.amf.hpa.tibcohost.jetty.sessionMaxInactiveIntervalInSecs=3600


    Config setting for the session timeout in these files OSProperties.properties & WSProperties.properties

     [bPM Config Home]/bpm/amx.bpm.app/configuration  sessionTimeout=3600



    These Settings change the Timeout of all REST API's, used by all Application Development Apps (APA), and Openspace, Workspace.

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