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  • TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM & Document Management

    Deepesh Tiwari

    Table of Contents

    With the following configuration you are able to use Document Upload & Download Features from ootb UI's

    Alfresco Sample TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Configuration 

    Before you can start here, you have to install Alfresco and create a Repository to store the

    Business Process documents, here: "bpmdev" Next you can create a Sub-Folder, here "BPM"

    You can use the Product TCT - Edit Server to add the CMIS support to your TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Instance



    Reconfigure TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM 4.x. to use CMIS using TCT

    Select ?Edit the external CMIS server by AMX-BPM? Option


    Test and Finish the Configuration



    Other supported CMIS Products


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM supported the CMIS Connector of Sharepoint,

    this must be activated first side the Sharepoint Administration:


    The connector is available for SharePoint Server, not Foundation Server!

    Sample Sharepoint Configuration

     # Configuration file for Content Management functionality # Details of the CM repository  # Repo binding type repoBindingType=atompub  # Repo connection URL repoConnectionURL=  # Repo ID repoID=c3ccc7cc-8bc7-1cc9-9106-10c6c2534030  # Repo user name and password repoUserName=administrator repoPassword=tibco123  # Repo root folder - all documents will be created in a hierarchy beneath this path repoRootFolderPath=/AMXBPM  # If a repo connection can't be made in this many milliseconds, the operation will timeout repoConnectionTimeout=20000  # If a read operation can't be completed in this many milliseconds, the operation will timeout repoReadTimeout=10000  # This should generally be left set to 'true'. Otherwise, the AMX-BPM server # will not automatically detect and load changes made to this file at run-time. monitor.enable=true


    Apache Chemistry

    Part of TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Development Server Installation by default.

    TCT Screenshot


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