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  • Kubernetes Dashboard and Linkerd for Monitoring

    Deepesh Tiwari

    Table of Contents

    Steps for Creating Dashboard

    1. Download linkerd and modify the Linkerd version

     curl -sL > install-2.6.1  vi install-2.6.1 to modify the version stable-2.7.1 to stable-2.6.1.

    2. Set PATH to add linkerd

     export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.linkerd2/bin

    3. install Linkerd onto the cluster

     linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

    4. Check installation

     linkerd check

    5. Inject linkerd to pods

     kubectl get deploy -o yaml |linkerd inject -| kubectl apply -f -

    6. Expose linkerd-web dashboard

     kubectl -n linkerd get svc linkerd-web -o yaml>linkerd-web.yaml&&sed -i "s/type: ClusterIP/type: NodePort/g" linkerd-web.yaml && sed -i 's/port: 8084/nodePort: 32000\n    port: 8084/g' linkerd-web.yaml && kubectl replace -f linkerd-web.yaml

    Import Dashboards

     1. Open Grafana from Dashboard where exposed from k8s_host_ip:32000 2. Open left panel click Dashboard -> Manage Dashboard page (http://k8s_host_ip:32000/grafana/dashboards) 3. Click New Folder and type a Folder name(say BCCE) and click Create 4. In "Manage Dashboard" page, click Import and click "Upload .json File" 5. Choose the json files attached here 6. Change Folder to the Folder you created. 7. Click "Import" to import the dashboard.

    Edit the Duration Time

     Kubectl edit deployment linkerd-prometheus -n linkerd  (modify the value of storage.tsdb.retention.time)

    Please contact TIBCO support or presales for the scripts.

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