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  • TIBCO Cloud? Integration Release Notes - May 27, 2020 Update V2.0.0

    Manoj Chaurasia

    What?s New 

    We have updated our User Interface to simplify access to all of the features and capabilities that are available. The updated Monitor page provides status information for all app types across your organization. The new Apps list displays all apps in your organization with an App Peek drop-down that gives you more detailed information about that app?s status and performance.  For details on all of the new changes, see  TIBCO Cloud? Integration May 2020 Release - Detailed Overview in the Community.  

    TIBCO Cloud Mesh allows you to discover any private REST endpoint exposed within TIBCO Cloud domains, in your organisation or related organisations. Authentication and authorisation for these private endpoints is provided automatically. You can browse available Mesh services and consume it from TIBCO Mesh Services on the Invoke REST Service activity.  Refer to the TIBCO Flogo and TIBCO BusinessWorks documentation for more information. 

    TIBCO Flogo

    Refer to the TIBCO Flogo release notes for additional details. This release includes the following features: 

    • Monitoring view showing flow and trigger execution metrics.
    • You can define a schema and share it across an app.
    • When creating a flow, a Swagger Specification window is available with a list of API Specs. 
    • In OSS activity input, output, or trigger reply configuration, you can coerce a top-level  parameter of the following data types, array, object, param, and any,  to take the value from a schema that you dynamically defined during design time.
    • New Data Mapping functions: DateTime and Array.flatten.
    • Iteration Index available for "Repeat While True" loops.
    • PATCH Method support in the InvokeRESTService activity.
    • Configure app properties from the Flow View.
    • The ability to create and configure a new trigger without binding it to a flow.
    • Select a Connection while copying a  Flogo app that is using connections.
    • Add custom engine variables for enabling features, such as OpenTracing, from the Environment Controls Tab.
    • Ability to monitor Flogo apps deployed in TIBCO cloud.
    • Invoking services from TIBCO Cloud Mesh by enabling Discover services from TIBCO Cloud Mesh under the Rest Invoke Activity.

    TIBCO BusinessWorks? 

    • TIBCO BusinessWorks? now supports custom drivers and custom plugins for TIBCO BusinessWorks  apps, where the user can integrate their own custom driver/plugin applications on TIBCO Cloud Integration. For details on how to use this feature see  "Using Custom Plug-ins and "Using Custom Drivers" in the TIBCO Cloud Integration help.
    • There are two new environment variables for BusinessWorks  apps in TIBCO Cloud Integration, BW_APP_CPU_ALERT_THRESHOLD and BW_APP_MEM_ALERT_THRESHOLD. They give the ability to log alert messages when CPU and memory usage exceed the threshold value. Default is 70%.

    Changes in Functionality

    TIBCO Cloud? Integration

    • When you create a new app in the Web UI, the app won?t automatically start. You can continue to design or customize your app, then scale it up and start it when you?re ready.
    • When adding an on-premises database through the Proxy Agent with a Flogo app, you must now push the app after it was designed, add an access key, then re-push the app and scale it up to start the app running. Previously, it was possible to scale and start the app before the access key was added.
    • When you create a new app, there is no longer an option to name your app in the Create App dialog.  Apps are created with a temporary name such as `New_Flogo_App_0`, `New_Flogo_App_1`, and so on. You can then rename the app later. 
    • When creating a new app, the option to name that app is not available until you reach the App Details page, then you can edit the text in the name field. 
    • Modifying an app name or description does not generate a Success message, however the information is saved. 
    • The timezone is no longer displayed on dates in the Apps list or the App Details page. The times shown are in your local timezone.
    • App build log messages no longer display in the app logs. 
    • The shortcut menu option for app deployment changed from Mark as Draft or Mark as Live to Set deployment stage. (This is also true for the same option on the Apps page.)
    • You can start and stop apps from the Apps page, but scaling controls are now only available on the App Details page.
    • There is no longer a success notification message in the Web UI when an app scales up or down.

    TIBCO BusinessWorks?

    For TIBCO BusinessWorks applications that connect to Oracle database and require Oracle JDBC Thin Driver supplement -

    When deploying new apps or re-deploying existing apps to TIBCO Cloud Integration, generate the manifest.json file and supplement the Oracle JDBC Thin Driver again before pushing the app to TIBCO Cloud Integration. 

    For TIBCO BusinessWorks Plug-ins that require third-party drivers, JARs or libraries to be supplemented in TIBCO Cloud Integration using TIBCO Cloud? ? Command Line Interface bwplugin supplement command. 


    When deploying new apps or re-deploying existing apps to TIBCO Cloud Integration, supplement the respective third-party drivers, JARs or libraries again before pushing the app to TIBCO Cloud Integration.

    Some Plug-ins may require repackaging of supplements. Refer to the respective Plug-in documentation for more information.


    These actions are not required for existing running apps.

    Supplementing TIBCO EMS libraries is not required.

    API Mock Apps

    API Mock apps have been moved to APIs under My TIBCO Cloud Capabilities. They can still be accessed using the TIBCO Cloud? ? Command Line Interface, however those options will be removed in a future release.

    TIBCO Cloud Mesh

    When you create a REST service binding, Studio generates a default name and path for the service, "Resource" and "/resource" respectively. When deployed to TCI, these names appear in generated Swagger metadata for the endpoint. If left unchanged, all services deployed in this way appear indistinguishable in TIBCO Cloud Mesh. Therefore, it is a good idea to immediately give any new service binding a more specific name and path. " 

    TIBCO Flogo®

    Validation Improvements

    • In prior releases, flows on the flow list page were validated automatically. Now, you need to manually validate the flows.
    • In prior releases, on editing an activity, the entire flow was validated automatically. Now, only that particular activity is validated automatically.

    Revalidating an app after navigating into a flow

    After validating an app, if you navigate into a flow, you must validate the app again irrespective of whether you made changes to the flow or not. Flogo Enterprise does not retain the results of any previous validation.

    Timeout field of InvokeRESTService activity

    The unit of measurement for the Timeout field in the InvokeRESTService activity has been changed to milliseconds. You might want to reconfigure this field using milliseconds and deploy the app again.

    Changes in user interface

    The following changes have been made to the user interface:

    • Flows list page
      • The App Properties Button has been renamed to Properties.
      • The Revert to last push, Import, and Export buttons have been moved into a list menu.
      • Push app button has been renamed to Push
    • Flow Canvas/Details page
      • The Start testing button is renamed to Test.
      • The Revert to last push button is removed.
      • The Properties button has been added for specifying app properties.
      • Push app button is removed.
    • Buttons have been rearranged to group primary actions together and secondary actions together.

    Migration and Compatibility

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Zuora

    If a Zuora app is created in a prior version of Flogo Enterprise and is then imported to the current release, mapping issues are observed in the Input tab of the Zuora Subscription Activity for the Create Subscription operation.

    Export the same app without making any changes and then import it again.

    TIBCO Cloud? Live Apps

    TIBCO Cloud Live Apps integrations using TIBCO Cloud Integration apps will continue to run without incident, until you make any changes in the service activity in the Live App.  At that time, you must rescale the TIBCO Cloud Integration app before redeploying the Live App; scale the TIBCO Cloud Integration app up one instance and down again, to avoid any interruption in service.

    TIBCO Flogo / TIBCO BusinessWorks

    When using TIBCO Cloud Mesh from a TIBCO Flogo  or TIBCO BusinessWorks app to call another TIBCO Cloud Integration app that was deployed prior to the release May 2020 release of TIBCO Cloud Integration, that target app must be rescaled to enable the calling app to run successfully. Scale the target app up one instance, then down again, to avoid service interruption. This rescale is a one-time requirement to enable the target app for TIBCO Cloud Mesh use.

    Deprecating and End Of Support for Development Tools 


    Support for TCI_BW_LOGGER_OVERRIDES and TCI_BW_CONFIG_OVERRIDES variables has been removed from TIBCO Cloud Integration.

    Use the BW_LOGGER_OVERRIDES and CUSTOM_ENGINE_PROPERTY variables under Environment Controls -> Engine variable in the TIBCO Cloud Integration User Interface to set logger and custom engine properties respectively. Additionally use the Add engine variable feature to add the engine properties for BusinessWorks apps. 

    Closed Issues


    When a TIBCO Flogo® app was created by importing a Swagger specification with multiple response codes, the Message field was displayed in Map from Flow Outputs even after adding a Response body in the Reply Settings.


    Importing a large JSON file for a TIBCO Flogo app sometimes failed.


    If an app was updated and the app already existed in another environment, when the app was imported into the other environment, changes made to the app were not reflected in the other environment.


    For large apps, there was a lag in design-time performance. For example, tasks such as viewing logs in a browser or downloading a large log file took a long time.


    The Extensions tab took a long time to load and, in some cases, was unresponsive.


    The Extensions tab did not load if the number of large apps was high.


    Pushing a large Flogo app was slow. 


    If a TIBCO Cloud Messaging trigger had multiple flows, only one flow was triggered and the rest of the flows were not triggered.


    Mapper was slow for large flows.


    Moving activities around in large flows was slow.

    FLOGO-4945 / FLOGO-4971

    Importing a flow that contained any object or param fields that without a  fixed schema definition in activity.json/trigger.json, lost data and showed a blank screen.


    Durable Subscriber now receives messages after scaling up or down. 


    Loading an app and validating flows took a long time. In addition, if you tried to access mappings in a flow, the mapper UI did not load.


    When the reply settings of a ReceiveHTTPMessage trigger were modified, the corresponding ConfigureHTTPResponse activities within the flow were not modified appropriately.


    If an input string contained "=" in the app property and the app property was updated at runtime, the string.replaceAll function generated an incorrect result.


    When an application with default values for promoted properties for profile is pushed to TIBCO Cloud Integration , the app failed to run resulting in a numberformat exception.


    When replacing a TIBCO Cloud? Integration - API Mock App, if the DB service was enabled, it was listed as a source app on the Replace App dialog.

    Flogo-4395 / IPAS-10643

    TIBCO Flogo apps pushed using the TIBCO Cloud? ? Command Line Interface could not be copied and generated errors similar to the following:  

    Error: Fail to replace flogo app: Error code 500 returned when replacing flogo data, body: Error getting source app by Id: PUSHVERSION:uryabjpyf4bcvkrh24t7zmffcultwvx5


    A whitespace character was returned in the <soapenv:Header> element of a SOAP Response even though no SOAP header was configured on the SOAP service.


    The mapper failed to resolve the function name on the output for the activity.


    When a query had more than one parameter or when parameters were used in the middle of a query statement, you received a "Query parsing failure" error.

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