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  • TIBCO Cloud? Integration V3.3.2.0 March 10, 2022 Release

    Manoj Chaurasia

    What?s New 

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo®

    • Set-Cookie Header in InvokeRESTService Output: 


      For the InvokeRESTService activity, the Set-Cookie header is now available in the output headers.

    • Improved User Experience While Importing an App: 


      A completely revamped user experience for importing an app has been introduced in this release. You can now use a drop-down list and the Search field to narrow down the flows, triggers, and connections displayed. 

    • Timer Trigger Enhancements:  

      • Use the Timer Trigger to set a cron job that executes a flow at fixed times, dates, or intervals. You can build a cron expression manually or use the Cron Expression Builder provided. 

      • When running a flow multiple times at a specified interval, you can now delay the first execution of the flow using the Delayed Start option. Subsequent runs of the flow are triggered at the scheduled time interval. 

    • Additional Trigger Output Parameters in REST Trigger:


      For the ReceiveHTTPMessage trigger, on the Map to Flow Inputs tab, the requestURI and method trigger output parameters are now available for mapping.


      NOTE: For existing triggers, you must click Sync Schema to make the requestURI and method parameters available to the flow input. 

    • Support for PATCH Method in REST Trigger: 


      The ReceiveHTTPMessage REST trigger now supports the HTTP PATCH method. 

    • Additional Flow Details in Mapper


      Flow details such as current flow name, ID, whether the flow is called as a sub-flow,  parent flow name, and parent flow ID are now available in the mapper. These details can be used for logging as well as activity mappings.

    • New Mapper Functions


      The following mapper functions are included under the Data category: 

      • GetValue: Gets the value of the function from the mapper reference. When undefined, the default value is used.

      • isDefined: Checks whether the mapping reference is available and returns a True or False response.

    • Support for Configuring a Server or CA Certificate in SendMail Activity


      When a secure connection type is set to SSL, you can now upload a server or CA certificate to be used for the SSL connection.

    Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks?

    • Added support for handling nested multipart/mixed MIME parts as responses for Send HTTP Request activity.

    • Binary project support for custom xpath function project: BW design-time providing support to create binary project from Custom Xpath function project. So that it can be added as module dependency.

    • Added support for new log details in SmartMapper: For a better user experience, more details have been added in the logs for SmartMapper.

    • Added support for Custom Xpath function using TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Maven: This release adds support for Custom Xpath function as a module dependency in pom.xml using TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Maven.

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo® Connectors

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for PostgreSQL Database 

    The connector now supports connectivity to Greenplum and Amazon Redshift. 

    Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks? Plugins

    We have updated connectivity for the following plug-ins: 

    • Confidentiality - New in TIBCO Cloud Integration!

    • Database

    • Peoplesoft

    • SAP

    Changes in Functionality

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo®

    • Validations for Fields with Restrictions in JSON Schema: 


      Flogo now validates fields that have restrictions defined in the JSON schema. An error message is displayed if invalid values are entered. 

    • Improved User Experience While Importing an App: 


      A completely revamped user experience for importing an app has been introduced in this release. You can now use a drop-down list and the Search field to narrow down the flows, triggers, and connections displayed. 

    • Change in Format of formatDatetime() Function


      The format of the formatDatetime(<datetime>, <format>) function has changed to the following:




      The format is case-sensitive.


      For example:



    TIBCO Cloud? Integration - Connect

    • Third-party TIBCO Scribe Online Connector developers should note that the list of .dlls installed on an agent is changing with this release. For the updated list, see TIBCO Scribe Online Connector Certification & Release on the TIBCO Support site. https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Uploading-Your-Connector (SCISV-255)

    • The backlog of queued messages for a Request/Reply flow is limited to 100 messages. When the queue contains 100 or more unprocessed messages, the system generates errors with HTTP Status Code 429 and does not accept any more messages in the queue. When enough queued messages have been processed, new messages are accepted again. (SCCORE-1475)

    • TIBCO Cloud? Integration - Connect throttles the number of inbound messages processed by the agents to 20 messages per batch for both the Connect cloud agent and the Connect on-premise agent. When the batch is complete, the agent requests another batch of messages until the Message Queue is empty. (SCCORE-6532)

    • If the Flow designer is left idle for more than 30 minutes, any changes to the flow are saved automatically and you are logged out of the system. The revision of the flow that is auto-saved is marked in the Revisions dialog with the comment: Flow autosaved due to an inactivity logout. The last revision of the flow with this comment represents the latest auto-saved flow. The next time you open that flow, a message displays to alert you that it was saved automatically. (SCCORE-7655)

    • If scheduled maintenance is in progress and the software being deployed involves changes to the Agent, Agent installations are temporarily disabled and a message similar to the following is displayed: 


      Agent installs are disabled temporarily. Check the TIBCO Cloud Services status page for more information. 


      Once maintenance is complete, you can install Agents as needed. (SCCORE-7704)

    • Cloning large apps using the TIBCO Cloud Integration - Connect API sometimes generates HTTP Status Code 504 Gateway Time-out errors even though the server was not busy. (Case # 01942975, 02035644)


      To address this issue we have added a new API method that clones apps asynchronously. The clone is created in a thread and, using a second method, the status of the clone command can be polled.


      POST ?/v1?/orgs?/{orgId}?/solutions?/{solutionId}?/cloneAsync


      GET ?/v1?/orgs?/{orgId}?/solutions?/{solutionId}?/cloneAsync?/{cloneId}


      Note: The existing POST ?/v1?/orgs?/{orgId}?/solutions?/{solutionId}?/clone method will be deprecated in a future release. Best practice is to begin using the new API methods to clone apps as soon as possible. (SCCORE-6824)

    Deprecating for Development

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo® Connectors

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon Redshift

    • The TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon Redshift is deprecated as of the TIBCO® Cloud Integration March 2022 release. (WIARSF-213)


      With this release, access to the Amazon Redshift connector will still be available and current users will remain connected. There is currently no end of life date, however, the best practice is to use the TIBCO Flogo Connector for PostgreSQL to connect to Amazon Redshift. 


      The PostgreSQL will provide all capabilities of the existing TIBCO Flogo Connector for Amazon Redshift. To migrate follow the steps mentioned below:

      • Create a new connection using the PostgreSQL connector. Choose Redshift as the database type.

      • Within your flow(s), you can now replace your Redshift activities with the corresponding PostgreSQL activities and select the connection created in the previous step.

    Feature requests for connecting to Amazon Redshift will only be considered for the PostgreSQL Connector.

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Greenplum Database

    • The TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Greenplum Database is deprecated as of the TIBCO® Cloud Integration March 2022 release. (WIGPLM-118)


      With this release, access to the Greenplum Database connector will still be available and current users will remain connected. There is currently no end of life date, however, the best practice is to use the TIBCO Flogo Connector for PostgreSQL provided with your subscription to connect to Greenplum Database.


      The PostgreSQL will provide all capabilities of the existing TIBCO Flogo Connector for Greenplum Database. To migrate follow the steps mentioned below:

      • Create a new connection using the PostgreSQL connector. Choose Greenplum as the database type.

      • Within your flow(s), you can now replace your Greenplum activities with the corresponding PostgreSQL activities and select the connection created in the previous step.

    Feature requests for connecting to Greenplum Database will only be considered for the PostgreSQL Connector.

    Closed Issues

    TIBCO Cloud? Integration


    The following error is displayed when trying to enable API access for the child organization using the OAuth access token from the parent organization.

    Error: API access is disabled.

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo


    When using the TIBCO Flogo PATCH method in conjunction with TIBCO Cloud MESH, the InvokeREST activity does not retrieve the body element, preventing anything from being mapped to that element.


    After the upgrade, the "Auto Create PushTopic" field changes to True even though before the upgrade it was set to false.


    Apps designed in 2018 or before having Triggered flows, cannot be exported from the User Interface.

    Develop / TIBCO Flogo Connectors

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Snowflake


    Entering invalid connection details including an invalid warehouse, database, or schema name, does not generate an error. 


    Configuring a flow for Snowflake that contains an Insert with multiple rows of data generates an error at design-time, but executes successfully at runtime.

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