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  • TIBCO Cloud? Integration V3.7.0.0 February 2023 Release

    Ana Bahr

    What's New

    TIBCO Cloud? Integration

    For Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks apps, now you can dynamically update app and  module properties if configured via Configuration or Credential Management Service provider using the new Refresh App Properties button on the App Details > Environment Controls > Engine Variables tab. (IPAS-14581)


    TIBCO Cloud Integration API

    • Uploading SSL certificates when enabling  Execution History for TIBCO Flogo apps is supported by uploading the certificate as a base64 encoded string in the POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/exechist  request.  (IPAS-20849)
    • The following methods have been updated to support the Pin, Unpin app feature for TIBCO BusinessWorks apps. Using a pin you can go back to a previous version of an app if necessary. (IPAS-21228)
      • POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/apps/{appId}/pin
      • DELETE /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/apps/{appId}/pin
      • PUT /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/apps/{appId}/pin
      • GET /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionLocator}/apps/{appId}/pin

    Develop / TIBCO Flogo

    • In Flogo applications, if TLS is enabled for Opentelemetry protocol receiver, you can Encrypt base64 encoded certificate values by using either TIBCO Cloud Integration platform API or by using an app executable and set it the environment variable with the prefix  ?SECRET:?.
    • AWS connection now supports Default AWS Credentials Provider Chain with authentication type as 'Default credentials'.
    • Using the Run all test suites button, you can run all the enabled test suites in the unit testing feature. Also, you can use  the Run all test cases to run all the enabled test cases. (FLOGO-9683, FLOGO-9681)
    • In unit testing, you can mock the data for an activity as part of a test case. (FLOGO-7641)
    • The LogMessage activity?s LogLevel attribute can be assigned from a flow variable. (FLOGO-9810)

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo® Connectors

    AWS connection now supports Default AWS Credentials Provider Chain with authentication type as 'Default credentials'. This enhancement affects the following TIBCO Flogo Connectors:  (FLOGO-9803)

    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon EC2
    • Amazon Kinesis
    • Amazon SNS
    • Amazon SQS
    • Amazon S3

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for DocuSign

    • Added support for JWT Grant as an authentication type. (FGDUSN-42)
    • Added support for multiple files in an envelope. (FGDUSN-43) 
    • Added support for all document types supported by DocuSign.
    • New activity DocuSignListDocument added to fetch details for single or multiple documents from an envelope. (FGDUSN-41) 

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Oracle Database

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Oracle Database has a new activity that allows calling stored procedures from Oracle database. (WIORA-299)


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Apache Pulsar

    The No Acknowledgement (NOACK)  activity has been added to send a negative ack to the Pulsar broker. (FGPUL-199)


    Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks?

    Users can now upgrade TIBCO Business Studio? BusinessWorks? from an existing installation using the new Upgrade Manager. To access the Upgrade Manager navigate to Help > BW Upgrade Manager. (AMBW-45217)


    Integrate/TIBCO BusinessWorks? Plugins

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Azure Cloud Services (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2)

    The Azure Cloud Services (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2) plug-in is supported for TIBCO Cloud Integration. The following features have been added in this release. (BWAZCS-7)

    •  Create Activity

      The plug-in provides a Create activity to perform Create File System, Create

      Directory, Upload Files, and Acquire Lease operations.

    • Update Activity

      The plug-in provides an Update activity to perform the Update ACL and Update File


    • Read Activity

      The plug-in provides a Read activity to perform List File Systems, List Directories, Get Properties, and Download File operations.

    • Delete Activity

      The plug-in provides a Delete activity to perform Delete File Systems, Delete

      Directory, and Break Lease operations.

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for BusinessConnect

    Added support for the BusinessConnect plug-in in TIBCO Cloud Integration.


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Google BigQuery

    Support for Bulk loading of data

    Loads data to BigQuery table from Google Cloud Storage with different file types such as AVRO, CSV, JSON, ORC, and PARQUET sheets that are stored in the drive. (BWGBQ-344)

    Support for authentication with OAuth 2.0

    You can now connect to Google BigQuery with the OAuth 2.0 authentication method. (BWGBQ-348)

    Support for merge operation in Data Updater Activity

    Merges updated or new records from the source table to the Target Table in Google BigQuery using the merge SQL operation. (BWGBQ-272)

    Support for delete operation in Data Updater Activity

    Deletes the records from the source table in Google BigQuery. (BWGBQ-331)


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Google Cloud Pub/Sub

    There are no new features in this release. 

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint

    The Microsoft SharePoint plug-in now supports Basic Proxy Authentication with the help of Proxy Configuration and Identity Provider. (SPBW-1752)


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for OData

    In this release, the OData plug-in supports batch requests with UPDATE and DELETE operations as a client to external OData V4 services via the OData Batch activity in OData Palette. (BWOD-661)


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite

    New Plugin

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite allows TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? customers to consume REST services and perform Create, Read, Update, Delete  operations for the ERP and HCM modules in Oracle Fusion Cloud, including support for batch processing.

    ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Oracle Fusion Cloud Apps Connection Shared Resource

    With this feature, you can connect to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite using either Basic Authentication or OAuth2.0 Authentication. (BWOCE-25)

    ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Oracle Fusion Cloud Apps Palette

    The palette supports the Consume Oracle Fusion Cloud Apps Service Activity. This activity consumes the Oracle Fusion Cloud Service that is selected and downloaded. The activity supports DELETE, GET, PATCH and POST operations through the downloaded service. (BWOCE-26)


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for SMPP

    Support has been added to provide the ServiceType value from the Input tab of the SendShortMessage activity. (BWSMPP-146)


    Changes in Functionality

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo®


    Errors for the ReceiveHTTPMessage trigger are now shown at the Info log level.


    If the path parameter has a number or boolean data type in the API spec and it is mapped with a string type value then it shows design time validation error after upgrade. You need to manually update the mappings to match the data type of the path parameter.


    Migration and Compatibility

    TIBCO Cloud? Integration

    After transitioning from a Trial Organization to a Production Organization, you must log out and log back into TIBCO Cloud? Integration.  (IPAS-21524) 


    TIBCO Cloud Integration only supports the most recent version of the Hybrid Agent and one version back. The most recent version of the Hybrid Agent is version 1.7.0, and the prior Hybrid Agent was version 1.6.0.  If you have a Hybrid Agent installed that is older than version 1.6.0, you should install Hybrid Agent version 1.7.0. 

    Deprecating and End of Support


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint

    The SharePoint SOAP palette has been removed from the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint in the SharePoint 6.4.0 release. (SPBW-1938)


    Closed Issues


    TIBCO Cloud? Integration


    The name of the TIBCO Cloud Mesh service is not getting updated in the Service registry when the app is pushed from the TIBCO Command Line Interface with a modified name.

    TIBCO Cloud? Integration - Connect


    After installing a new TIBCO Scribe Online Connector from the Marketplace the new connector does not display in the "Create a connection" dialog. 

    Develop/TIBCO Flogo®


    After editing an activity name, the branching label from source to destination activity does not show the updated activity name. It shows the default activity name instead.


    When an app is pushed from the TIBCO Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI) with a modified name, the name of the TIBCO Cloud Mesh service is not updated in the service registry.  


    Path parameter of type number is converted to type string  when the ReceiveHTTPMessage trigger is configured with an OpenAPI spec. 


    String, number, and boolean types are supported in the ReceiveHTTPMessage trigger when configured with an OpenAPI spec.


    For unit testing, reconfiguring an activity in a flow that depends on a specific method, such as GET, can cause unit tests to fail if the unit test depends on the output of the selected method.  For example, if you use the shared data activity configured with the GET method, then under the Unit Testing tab you add assertions and run the test, the test runs successfully. If you later change the configured method to SET, the test fails because it depends on the output generated by the GET method.


    After importing an app with a primitive object array, the mapping for the array is lost and it is converted into array.ForEach.


    A Base64 encoded SSL certificate can be encrypted using either the TIBCO Cloud Integration API or an app binary and then passed as Engine variable:


    To encrypt a base64 encoded value using an app executable see:


    To encrypt a base64 encoded value using the TIBCO Cloud Integration API see:




    In TIBCO Flogo flows, if OSS extensions, such as counter or error, are added from the Recently Used section, some activity tiles show as blank and the user interface becomes unresponsive.


    TIBCO Flogo apps that connect to Prometheus continue to use deprecated metrics, which consumes all available memory causing the app to stop running.

    Note: After the upgrade, you must regenerate app executables for any apps that connect to Prometheus to resolve the issue.

    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon Kinesis


    Added support to access Amazon Kinesis services privately through a Custom VPC endpoint.


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon S3


    Added support to access Amazon S3 services privately through a Custom VPC endpoint.


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon SNS


    Added support to access Amazon SNS services privately through a Custom VPC endpoint.


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Amazon SQS


    Added support to access Amazon SQS services privately through a Custom VPC endpoint.


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Microsoft Azure Service Bus


    When the connection and link are active but no calls (idle state) are made using the link for 10 minutes, the link is closed and cannot publish a message.


    TIBCO Flogo® Connector for Salesforce


    When a user imports an app (app that is created on Salesforce version older than 1.3.2) in Salesforce version 1.3.3 and uses imported connection in the app, then the Update and Delete activities generate the following error: 

    "The requested resource does not exist".


    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks? Plug-in for Google Cloud Pub/Sub


    SubscriptionActivity can now receive messages after the network has recovered from a failure.

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