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  • Getting Started With TIBCO Cloud

    Sucheta S

    Table of Contents

    There are multiple ways to get started with TIBCO Cloud, you could start a trial, buy a subscription using a credit card / purchase order or it could be part of you TIBCO license. More on these entry points can be found here:  https://account.cloud.tibco.com/cloud/docs/sign-up/index.html

    The initial email

    In all scenarios, either the subscriber (for direct sales channels) or the appointed account owner will receive an initial welcome email describing what type of subscription you have signed up for and several links to help you out in finding more information to get you started. The email will look similar to the one in the screenshot below:


    By clicking on "activate" in the email, you will be taken through a sign up process to setup your TIBCO Cloud account.

    Activating your TIBCO Cloud account

    TIBCO Cloud has checked if your user is already know to TIBCO, if this is NOT the case, you first have to setup your TIBCO Accounts password as is shown in the screen below. This account is used throughout TIBCO to gain access to commenting on this community, the ideas portal and other TIBCO services.


    Once you have set your password, and accepted the EULA and terms of service, click on "activate" and your account is created. 

    Now use your password to login and you are redirected into the domain you have subscribed to.

    Creating your team

    The first thing you want to do as an account owner is add team members to your team. Click on your profile icon at the top right of the screen and select the domain for which you want to administer your team. In the screenshot below, "integration" was selected, since that was the domain Jane purchased.


    This action takes you to the team members section of TIBCO Cloud, where you can manage and maintain your team across all of the domains available in TIBCO Cloud.

    More help on managing your team members can be found here (login reuqired) or check out this


    Delegated administration

    In order to add members into the team, simply click "invite new members" and add follow the wizard and put in all team members email addresses you would like to add. Once this is done, there is this neat little trick that allows you to also appoint other team administrator that will be able to help you with team management, so anyone who you want to be an administrator, please set the role accordingly as is seen in the screen below:


    All users that you invite will follow a similar flow as to what is described here to get started with TIBCO Cloud, starting from the email as well!

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