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  • What's New in TIBCO EBX® 6.1

    Michael Ratovo

    Latest version available for download on eDelivery

    TIBCO EBX® product documentation


    Back to the What's New in EBX® landing page

    This page describes the new features and improvements brought by EBX® 6.1.0.

    Additional content available on:

      - What's New in EBX® 6.1.1

      - What's New in EBX® 6.1.2

      - What's New in EBX® 6.1.3


    Table of Contents


    Side Bar & Social MDM

    Side bar

    Additional information on elements and social features access

    A new bar at the right side of the EBX® window has been added to easily provide contextual information with one click.


    At table level it gives information about the displayed table.


    At record level it gives information about the current record.

    It also gives access to the social features related to this record (aka Team Up).

    Team Up

    Brand new social features for enriched collaboration

    There was previously no way in EBX® for users to provide feedback on table records (about quality, points for attention, issues, etc), nor to classify records (tags).

    • The 'Team Up' features aim to improve the collaboration and engagement of the EBX® users. 
    • It reuses the new (right) side bar concept.
    • It allows users to interact about data records by commenting, rating and assigning tags to those records.
    • Some metadata can be reused along with EBX® searching (e.g Tags) and sorting features (e.g Ratings).



      Data visualization

    Tile view

    New visual display mode

    Previously, there were only three display modes to view records in EBX® (i.e. simple table views, hierarchies and graphs). Moreover, if customers wanted to leverage images from the record?s data, they needed to develop specific code in order to render images in such views.

    Now, there is a new display mode called Tile View:
    • Tile views display records as cards which are arranged automatically in rows and columns.
    • It is possible to choose an image for each card to help it to stand out. 
    • Just like the simple table views, it offers the possibility of defining criteria to sort and filter records.
    • Configurable tiles with many zones to summarize a record to its essential info.
    • Contextual menu to operate actions and access services on records.

    Extended Hierarchies

    Group By hierarchies

    In previous versions, grouping data having common values was limited to some data types and to a single field on the selected table.
    Now, the dimension in a Group By hierarchy can be defined using columns located in the same table. Allowed column data types are foreign keys or the following enumerable types: String, Integer, Enumeration, and Boolean.
    A group by hierarchy also provides flexibility when setting the order for dimension levels.
    For example, a Product table might include the following columns: Brand, Segment, Type, and Packaging.
    Use these columns in any order to show products by: Segment --> Type --> Packaging, or Brand --> Segment --> Type --> Packaging.


    Skipped level hierarchies

    In previous versions, except for recursive hierarchies, it was not possible to have unbalanced/ragged hierarchies (i.e. hierarchies including members where their parent skips one level).
    Now, it is possible to create a skipped-level hierarchy, where nodes not having parents can be attached to grandparents.

    In our example, Walmart3 store appears under San Francisco node, even if it has no State field being populated.
    • A ragged hierarchy only supports skipping one level


    In previous versions, for tables having a date field, it was difficult to display records in a hierarchy whose nodes would be derived version of the date (e.g. Quarter, Month, etc).



    Considering a project table with a deadline(date) field.

    We could generate a hierarchy ?Project by Category by Date? but sometimes the requirement is to display not by date but by another time dimension (By year, by Quarter, by Month).


    Now, for any date field, it is possible to build a configurable time-based hierarchy dimension (using century, year, quarter, month node types).


    Current limitations:

    • only for date fields
    • no possibility to aggregate records on a date range (e.g. 1900-1950, 1951-2000, etc)

    DMDV add-on

    Introducing the Org Chart

    A new graph type is now available inside DMDV : the Org Chart which can display any organizational data such as HR, Companies, Legal entities, or any hierarchical data.

    All current features of the current graph are also available on the Org chart (Navigation, Export, Zoo-in/Zoom-out,Expand/Collapse nodes).


    Configuration is done on the same tables as the current graph.

    New parameters have been added dedicated to the org chart.

    Fields to be displayed on the nodes are configurable.


    New nodes customization out of the box:

    • Display an image attached to a record on the graph. The image can be managed by the EBX Digital asset manager component
    • Display several fields values on the nodes

    View node details directly from the graph (right click on the node and select open record).

    Export PDF, SVG and PNG.


    Display selected data - Team Up

    360° view of your Team Up data using DMDV.

    Team up data available on each records to be displayed :

    • Comments (light green)
    • Ratings (blue)
    • Tags (green)
    • Overall rating of the record (pink)


    Display selected data

    • The previous limitation has been removed : only nodes coming from the current data space?s children could be hidden.
    • The new algorithm implemented is now using the data model definition by default. It means that by default, only nodes from dataspaces listed in the definition of the foreign keys and associations are displayed which is the most common use case.
    • By clicking on the dedicated button users can activate the display of the nodes coming from children dataspaces.


    Display data model : Show/Hide links

    Ability to hide & show all the links of the graph with one single click using the dedicated display button added on the top banner.


    Display data model : Breadcrumb update after save

    In EBX® 6.0.10 we added an evolution on the data model save feature. However the breadcrumb was not updated after saving a graph. This limitation has been resolved in EBX® 6.1.0.


    New global properties

    Two new properties are now available in the configuration inside the ?Global Properties and Options? group to limit the number of records to display when expanding nodes:
    • Expanded nodes limit for display selected data
    • Expanded nodes limit for display data using configuration
    These options helps prevent readability and performance issues by limiting the number of nodes on the graph.


    Data Modeling

    Access to records metadata

    Metadata information usable in queries

    Previously, it was cumbersome to manage a record metadata such as its creation date.

    Now, some metadata information is available directly in the record structure as the data model now automatically embeds metadata nodes. Hence this information can be accessed using queries (XPath with Java API or REST calls, or SQL).

    The available nodes are:

    • Record creator
    • Record creation time
    • Record last updater
    • Record last update time

    Also when activating Team Up, the comments, the ratings and the tags are included in the queryable metadata information.


    Entity Name

    Simpler access to tables for SQL requests and Data Services operations

    Previously, it was only possible to refer to tables by using their paths which could lead to some difficulties (typing errors, long paths, path changes that need to be replicated in multiple locations, ?).


    Entity names allow to refer to tables in SQL requests and Data Service operations using unique names instead of their paths.

    These names are easily configurable using a mapping table in the Data model configuration.

    They can be retrieved using the Java API.

    Important notes:

    By default, an entity name, based on the last step of the table path, is now automatically set for tables when no name is explicitly defined in the data model.

    If duplicated entity names are present, an error is raised during data model compilation time in order to manually define unique entity names.


    Search strategies

    Generalization of advanced search strategies selection

    Previously, Information Search add-on needed to be deployed to select advanced search strategies to be applied on String fields.

    Now, these strategies can be selected and configured in the data model.

    The available strategies are:

    • Levenshtein
    • Soundex
    • Double Metaphone
    • NGRAM



    Search based on Association

    Broaden search to Associations

    Previously, search was limited to the selected table content.

    Now it is possible to select a table association and search on the records labels of this association.

    This feature is available on the UI (Advanced search), in the Java API and through data services (REST calls and SOAP operations).



    Search based on Team Up information

    Search on tags, comments and ratings

    Team Up information is now available as criterion search.

    Hence it is easy to retrieve

    • categorized records (using tags),
    • records by searching in their comments,
    • and sets of records based on ratings.
    This feature is available on the UI (Advanced search), in the Java API and through data services (REST calls and SOAP operations).



    Search based on metadata information

    Searchable records metadata information

    Previously, it was not possible on the UI to filter records using their metadata information.

    Now, as metadata elements are automatically added to records structure, these elements can be used as search criterion.

    It now becomes easy to get the list of records created by a specific user or to see the list of records updated this month.

    This feature is available on the UI (Quick search and Advanced search), in the Java API and through data services (REST calls and SOAP operations).


    Permissions screen enhancements

    Improved UX and records metadata support

    Previously, it was needed to scroll down the list of fields to select the type of permissions to apply for each field, which was not convenient when displaying more than 10 lines.

    Now the available types of permissions are located on the top of the fields list.

    Record metadata access rights management is available in this screen as well.


    New Staging feature

    Out-of-the-box configuration migration

    Previously, there was no native feature to migrate configurations/artefacts between EBX® environments (e.g. from development to testing environment).

    Customers were mainly performing manual tasks or relying on specific code to ensure such environment staging (data, models, workflows, import/export configurations, etc..).


    Now EBX® offers a native staging feature.

    Migration is configured per each domain managed in EBX® (e.g. Products, Employees, Third Parties, etc).


    Migrate your import/export configurations

    Data Exchange add-on (DINT) ready for staging

    Elements available in the staging:
    • Templates
    • Configuration for external data sources


    Migrate your visualization configurations

    Visualization add-on (DMDV) ready for staging

    Visualization elements available in the staging:
    • Data models graphs configurations (on dataset and DMA)
    • Value and relationship graphs configurations
    • Saved graphs
    • Custom graphs


    Migrate your dashboard configurations

    Insight add-on (DPRA) ready for staging

    Allow migration of all dashboards.




    New built-in scripts

    Additional scripts to manage data

    Previously, custom development had to be integrated within specific script tasks to execute some actions on the data.

    Now, a set of new scripts have been added to perform the following actions:

    • Update a Record string value
    • Retrieve a Record field value
    • Update a Dataspace label
    • Update a Workflow label

    New vertical layout

    Layout orientation customization

    Previously, steps and links needed to be manually moved to display them in columns.

    Now, a new option allows to apply a vertical layout to the current diagram.



    More flexibility in layout configuration

    Arrange the links as you wish

    Previously, when having many steps displayed it was not easy to clearly distinguish links which were automatically positioned whenever a step was moved.

    Now, movable link connectors can be easily placed anywhere around the steps boxes allowing to completely customize the layout of the steps and links.

    Prevent loss of unsaved layout changes

    Be warned when unsaved changes are done

    Previously, when changes were performed on the layout and the user added a new step or updated an existing one without saving the layout first, then when going back to the diagram, the displayed layout did not reflect the previous unsaved changes.

    Now, a pop-up is displayed to warn the user about unsaved changes when he clicks on the link to add a new step or when he clicks on a step to edit its content.


    Workflow launcher improvements

    A single activation instance for multiple tables

    Previously, to enable a workflow launcher on multiple tables, it was necessary to create as many activation instances as target tables.

    Now, it is possible to select multiple tables within an activation configuration form.


    An additional way to launch a workflow

    Previously, workflows could be launched from a tabular view using the Action menu or from a record form.

    Now, it is possible to launch a workflow directly from a table row custom toolbar.


    Integration and Development APIs

    Data services

    REST Toolkit APIs

    OpenAPI extension of the ?api? category to generate document for REST Toolkit resource.


    Built-in RESTful services

    • New mass update and delete operations based on XPATH and/or Views
    • Select operations improved to retrieve records metadata with filtering and sorting
    • URL encoding for REST services improved to comply with RFC-3986 (Percent-Encoding)

    Built-in SOAP operations

    • Select operations improved to retrieve records metadata with filtering
    • Update operation improved to take all data content returned by the select operation even if fields are ignored

    Simulation of data import

    Data Exchange (DINT) enables the simulation of CSV/EXCEL import

    Allows users to use the current configuration and mapping settings to simulate a data import.

    The simulation results can include different levels (error, warning, and information) of non-blocking, blocking submission, blocking operator.

    Ability to view errors directly (limited to 100 rows) or to download an error file to analyze errors.

    Uses the result information to make any needed changes before performing the actual import.

    Is available for import on both table and data set levels.


    Data filtering accessible within templates

    Data Exchange (DINT) templates allowing data filtering

    Previously, the only way to export filtered data was to use table views.

    Now, data export templates can be defined embedding custom data filters.

    Hence, for example, these filters can be used by custom workflow script tasks using the appropriate Template ID.


    Database connection using Windows credentials

    Data Exchange (DINT) supports SQL connection to MS SQL Server using Windows authentication

    Database can be accessed using Windows authentication by username and password

    Java API

    New development libraries ebx-api.jar and ebx-resource-api.jar

    Compilation and build operations must now use these libraries instead of ebx.jar library whose Java types are now visible. These development libraries ensure the reliability of EBX® custom modules by guaranteeing exclusive use of public API.

    At runtime, they should not be deployed while ebx.jar remains required.


    Blocking access to not fully initialized repository

    New API to block access attempts to a partially initialized repository until it is able to handle data services (SOAP, REST Built-in, REST Toolkit) and UI.


    Information on custom views

    New API to get information on views such as:
    • the recommended view for a given user
    • the favorite view for a given user
    • the currently applied view

    Matching & Merging enhancements

    Matching after Business Object Submission

    It?s now possible to execute Business Object (BO) matching once BO is committed

    Previously, only Manual matching option was available for BO.

    BO Matching trigger can be paused, so that the deduplication is not executed during the BO import.

    Once the batch import is finished, newly created BOs can be matched thanks to the new ?After submission? setting.

    Evaluate matching service for Business Objects

    It?s now possible to execute the Evaluate matching from the EBX tabular view and from Manage group screen of the BO

    Previously, this service has been supported only for the table matching.

    The Evaluate matching service is reflecting the Matching fields coming from the related objects (for example Phone and Email fields in the below screenshot).

    The service is working in a same way as for the table matching : 2 objects should be selected to simulate the output.

    Manual Merge of Business Objects

    Related tables included in the golden record processing

    Previously, it was not possible to create golden records in the related tables.

    ?Manual Merge? screen allows a Data Steward to review the related tables and to select the values to include into a golden record.

    A compact preview screen lists all the changes occurred in different parts of the Business Object.

    Manual Merge of BO: New step bar

    Easily follow all the sub-steps of the related table manual merging

    In previous versions the navigation between related tables steps was not explicit.

    A new vertical step bar has been provided to improve the UX of BO manual merge (based on customers feedback).

    More space is available to display the data.

    Tooltips are available when hovering the step bar.

    Table matching: New Manage group screen

    Leveraged UX for the Data Stewardship for table matching

    Previously, Manage Group screen had limitations related to the screen separation into Match and suspect sections (for example impossible to compare a Match record with a Suspect).

    The UI has been reorganized based on customers feedback.

    It is possible to perform the actions on Suspect and Match records.

    It is possible to customize the attributes order thanks to the new custom view feature.

    Enhanced UI of the Evaluate matching screen

    More details on the Pre-processing phase output

    The pre-processing used to be a black box, but it is no longer the case.

    Thanks to the explicit guidance the user can check and adjust the pre-processing parameters (Matching fields, weight, search strategies?).

    In case 2 records have been filtered at the pre-processing step, the user can see why it has happened.

    Hybrid fuzzy algorithm customization

    Users can have several sets of parameters for Hybrid fuzzy algorithm

    Before 6.1 version only default values were available, hence the users were not able to adjust parameters to better meet the business requirements.

    Now, the configurable parameters (Synonym, Levenstein-1, Levenstein-2) are available at the decision tree node level.

    The customized settings are saved and can be reused.

    New options for Merged records updates management

    More flexibility to manage the merged records update flow

    Previously the records were put out of the group when a matching field was updated.

    Three options are currently available:

    • The records can be always kept in the group
    • The records can be always removed from the group
    • The updated merged records can be removed or kept in the group based on the field that has been updated

    New Java APIs

    Additional Java APIs have been provided

    • API for Evaluate matching service
    • API to get the list of trusted sources
    • API to perform multiple merges in one transaction

    Digital Asset Management

    Folders to organize the assets within the Drive

    New way to organize the assets in the Drive

    Previously, all the assets were organized at the same level, hence it was not possible to keep the same structure as the external file management systems.

    Built-in Drive UI has been improved by allowing users to create folders and to move the assets between folders.

    When visualizing the external Drive via EBX UI, the original assets organization can be kept.

    New built-in connectors to third party file management systems

    Out-of-the-box connectors

    Previously, it required a lot of coding to connect to third party file management applications.

    Now, two additional built-in connectors to the most popular systems Microsoft SharePoint and Google Drive are available for the selection.

    Consequenlty, the user can use EBX® DAMA Drive view as an interface to view the files in Microsoft SharePoint and Google Drive.


    UI enhancements for the EBX® DAMA Drive view

    More specific search capability and improved navigation

    Previously, it was not possible to perform advanced search in Drive view.

    Currently it becomes possible thanks to the advanced mode.

    It is also possible to easier navigate among drives thanks to the new Drive search feature.


    Supported environments

    Browser support Internet Explorer browser (all versions) is no longer supported.
    JVM support Java Runtime Environment is now JRE 11 or 17
    IBM support WebSphere Application Server 9 is no longer supported.
    Minimum supported version of WAS Liberty is now 20
    Oracle support Oracle 12c is no longer supported. Minimum supported version of Oracle is now 19c.
    PostgreSQL support PostgreSQL 10 is no longer supported. Minimum supported version of PostgreSQL is now 11.
    Microsoft support SQL Server 2012 SP4 10 is no longer supported. Minimum supported version of SQL Server is now 2014.

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