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  • How to Configure TIBCO Enterprise Message Service? X using TIBCO FTL® Cluster Stores for DR

    Bill Mclane

    Using TIBCO FTL, for EMS X Cluster Storage, offers the ability to provide disaster recovery which ensures realm availability and protects persistence data.

    The disaster recovery feature of TIBCO FTL enables disaster preparation and recovery for two kinds of resources:

    • Realm Availability FTL servers at the disaster recovery site track the deployment state of the realm definition at the main site. If the main site becomes unavailable due to disaster, administrators can restart the disaster recovery servers as the new main servers. When application clients, in this case the EMS server(s), restart at the disaster recovery site, they can connect to those FTL servers and resume messaging operations.

    • Persistence Data Persistence services at the disaster recovery site replicate the data state of persistence services at the main site. After administrators reconfigure the persistence services at the disaster recovery site as the primary set, EMS can connect to them, and continue to send and receive persistent message streams.

      Data replication to the disaster recovery site is asynchronous, so it does not add latency to message operations at the main site. However, asynchronous replication always lags slightly behind the most recent data, so some small amount of data could be lost in a disaster.

      This document will provide the steps necessary to build and test an EMS environment utilizing FTL with D/R capabilities.


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