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  • How to Configure TIBCO® Messaging - Schema Repository for Apache Kafka in Kubernetes

    Bill Mclane

    TIBCO® Messaging - Schema Repository for Apache Kafka is a component of TIBCO Messaging for managing Apache Avro schemas.

    Running TIBCO Schema Repository for Apache Kafka on Kubernetes involves:

    • An existing/configured Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster can be running in EKS, AKS, or GKE, as well as on an on-premises Kubernetes cluster.
    • Configuring a Container Registry for the Docker® image
    • Creating a Docker® image embedding the Schema Repository
    • Running TIBCO FTL three node cluster in the existing Kubernetes Cluster

    Supported Versions

    The steps described in this document are supported for the following versions of the products and components involved:

    • TIBCO Messaging - Schema Repository for Apache Kafka v1.4.
    • TIBCO FTL v6.7.2 or newer.
    • Docker Community/Enterprise Edition should be most recent version.
    • Kubernetes Cluster v1.22 or newer.


    • The reader of this document must be familiar with Docker concepts
    • The reader of this document must be familiar with Kubernetes concepts
    • The Kubernetes cluster environment must be previously configured either on-premise or in a public cloud
    • TIBCO FTL v6.7 should be configured, installed, and running in the Kubernetes cluster, as directed. The ?How to Configure FTL? in different Kubernetes environments can be found at https://community.tibco.com/s/article/tibco-messaging-and-tibco-activespaces-article-links-quick-access. and used as a guideline. The ftl yaml file discussed in this document should be used.



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