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Graphical Administration Tool for TIBCO® EMS GEMS v5.2 Zip

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About This File

Gems is a graphical user interface utility for TIBCO® Enterprise Message Service (EMS). It can be used by JMS developers as a general purpose testing tool and by administrative support staff as a management and monitoring tool.

Gems provides the following main features:

  • Server Monitoring. Server state and main statistics are automticaly updated, warning and error limits may be configured. Server generated events are also captured.
  • Server Management. Including, general server configuration, JMS destinations, JNDI factories, users/groups, permissions, bridges, routes etc.
  • JMS support. Messages may be sent/received, queues may be browsed and message contents inspected. Selectors and filters may be specified.
  • JMS Message Monitoring. Messages may be monitored (snooped) as they pass through the server. Request and reply messages can be correlated to provide service response times.
  • JMS Message Management. Eg; purging messages, copy messages from a queue to another queue on a different server.
  • Charting. Server statistics may be charted in real time, data may be saved to CSV files for export to other tools such as Excel.
  • Logging. Server statistics may be logged automatically when warning or error limits are breached.
  • Security. SSL connectivity, view only mode.
  • Customisable display and look and feel.
  • Support for Managing and Monitoring TIBCO SubStation.
  • Support for Monitoring TIBCO EMS Appliance.
  • Support for Migrating to TIBCO EMS Appliance.

What's New

As of July 2019 version 5.2 is available. Version 5.2 includes:


- Added support for new EMS 8.5 server properties:

    - getHealthCheckListen

    - getSecondaryHealthCheckListen

- Added ability to specify servers.xml from command line

- Added script to build docker image: build-docker-image.sh

- Added page next on Queue Browser

- Added ability to set following properties to JSON Editor:

    - always_exit_on disk_error

    - health_check_listen

    - secondary_health_check_listen

- Added Local and XA Transaction Monitors to Server menu

- Added In/OutByteRate, In/OutTotalBytes, AvgMsgSize to Queue and Topic Info display

- Added ephemeral client port to Connection Info display

- Added ability to set default store size when creating new file store in JSON Editor

- Added event type combo box to Queue/Topic Monitors

As of August 2017 version 5.1 is available.  Version 5.1 includes:


- Added support for new EMS 8.4 server properties:

    - get/setLargeDestCount

    - get/setLargeDestSize

    - getAdminConnectionCount

    - getClientConnectionCount

    - isAlwaysExitOnDiskErrorEnabled

    - isSSLRequireRouteCertOnly

- Destination PendingMsgCount/Size fields are highlighted in red if they reach MaxMsgs/Bytes or Server?s large destination limits (whichever is the smaller).

- Added ability to send previously saved messages, available from Queues and Topics menu.

- Added right click menu on tree view with option for connecting/disconnecting all servers in folder.

- Client side trace can now be enabled on a client connection from the Server menu.

- Now prompts to save config changes on close.

- Server Info panel now highlights if EMS server has config changes that require restart.

- Stores can now be sorted e.g. by file size etc.

- JSON Editor validation now checks for transport bridge duplicates.

- Copying browsed queue messages or all queue messages now preserve message expiration.

- Added MaxMonitorEvents property in gems.props:

    - Limits the number of message events for Destination monitor and browser dialogs.

Note: EMS 8.4 no longer ships with tibcrypt.jar; any previously saved GEMS servers.xml file with encrypted passwords will not be decrypted with EMS 8.4 client.

To migrate GEMS encrypted passwords first run GEMS 5.1 with EMS 8.3 client and resave the GEMS config to servers.xml, then upgrade to EMS 8.4 client, restart GEMS with the new servers.xml and passwords will be decrypted correctly.


Gems is written in Java and compiled using jdk1.6. Thus a Java run-time environment is needed and this should be at least version 1.6 or greater. To use the example executable rungems.cmd the Java JRE bin directory must be in the system path.

Gems supports TIBCO EMS version 5.0 or later. In order to run Gems the TIBCO EMS client jar files must be installed and  included on the CLASSPATH.

Note: To use Gems with TIBCO EMS version 8.0 client or later requires JRE 1.7

To use the charting features the JFreeChart libraries jcommon-1.0.23.jar and jfreechart-1.0.19.jar must be downloaded from http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart

Running Gems

Run Gems by launching rungems.cmd

If your TIBCO home directory is not \tibco then you will need to edit rungems.cmd appropriately. For example if your TIBCO home directory is C:\tibhome then set the TIBEMS_ROOT variable to the EMS install directory under the TIBCO home directory:

 set TIBEMS_ROOT=C:\tibhome\ems\8.1

To run, Gems requires the following:

The TIBCO EMS client jar files

Java JRE 1.7.0 or higher

Ensure the java executable is available in your path, or edit the rungems.cmd file and set the path appropriately.

More information is contained in the html documentation provided once installation is complete.




Only the author may provide non-immediate or non-complete support.

Please, send any requests, comments, suggestions, issues to the author:

Richard Lawrence (rlawrenc@tibco.com)

What's New in Version GEMS v5.2 Zip   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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