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Iframe Custom Card for TIBCO LiveView? Web Iframe Custom Card for TIBCO Liv

1 Screenshot

About This File

This component provides a custom visualization for LiveView Web.

Once loaded the card gives the user a text box in which the users enter a URL. The contents of that web page named by the URL are then displayed in the visualization.

This card is built for version 1.1.1 of LiveView Web.

This card does not require (nor take into account) any query in the query builder portion of LiveView Web


1) Unzip the file.  Drag the folder to a LiveView Web project and place it in the plugins folder under the lv-web folder of the project.

2) Start your LiveView Web project

3) Once this custom card is loaded as a plugin, the visualization choices in the editor include an iframe.

4) Choose the iframe visualization type: a text box is presented

5) Enter a URL into the text box and click "Save" in the visualization editor of LiveView web.  The content of the web page located at the URL is displayed in the LiveView Web card.

Version History:

1.0     Initial release.

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