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Log file setting for BE process

Manoj Chaurasia

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I would like to know how and where I can explicitely set the properties for a BE process, so that I can control the following characteristics.

1. Directory in which BE log file is written

2. Name of the log file

3. Maximum size of the Log file and

4. Maximum number of log file to be created


I tried the following 3 methods but all did not work.




I tried setting the following properties in be-engine.tra file.

1. be.trace.enable true

2. be.trace.term.enable true

3. be.trace.log.enable true

4. be.trace.log.dir c:/logs

5. be.trace.log.maxsize 10000

6. be.trace.log.maxnum 10

7. be.trace.log.append true

After setting these properties, I deployed the application using Tibco Administrator Browser.




I deployed the EAR file along with deployment configuration XML file with the following text in it, using AppManage.exe utility from command prompt.

<service name="BusinessEvents Archive.bar">



<binding name="BusinessEvents Archive">











<NVPairs name="BE Properties">





























I tried changing the values of the same attributes using Tibco Administrator browser and redeployed.


But, when I tried all the avove-mentioned methods, it is always writing the log files into the default directory as given below.



Any help to fix this problem is greately appreciated.

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