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BW-RESTJSON-3000001 - Internal Server error occurred: No session found for Process Name

Rahul Kadu

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We are using BW 5.11.0_HF-016, and REST Plugin 2.0.0. After deploying the ear and initial few requests are working correctly. Suddenly after some time the service instance goes into error state. Below is the error seen in log files.

I have verified that the HTTP receiver Host and Port and Base URL on the "REST Dispatch and Reply" activity has the same configuration i.e.same host and port.

Can you help me fix this problem.


2016 Apr 26 13:54:12:996 GMT -4 BW.CSL-1-1-1-3-1-6-CSL-MT-DAS-5464 Debug [bW-Core] => BusinessProcesses/StarterProcess/REST/RESTService_StarterProcess.process/HTTPReceiver_CSLRest.eval(Job-172)2016 Apr 26 13:54:12:996 GMT -4 BW.CSL-1-1-1-3-1-6-CSL-MT-DAS-5464 Debug [bW-Core] BusinessProcesses/StarterProcess/REST/RESTService_StarterProcess.process/REST Dispatch and Reply.eval(Job-172)2016 Apr 26 13:56:09:580 GMT -4 BW.CSL-1-1-1-3-1-6-CSL-MT-DAS-5464 Debug [bW-Core] Job-172 Error in [businessProcesses/StarterProcess/REST/RESTService_StarterProcess.process/REST Dispatch and Reply] Internal Server error occurred: No session found for Process Name[businessProcesses/StarterProcess/REST/RESTService_StarterProcess.process] ID[Job-172]2016 Apr 26 13:56:09:581 GMT -4 BW.CSL-1-1-1-3-1-6-CSL-MT-DAS-5464 Debug [bW-Core] http://schemas.tibco.com/bw/plugins/xml/5.0/RESTJSONExceptions"> Internal Server error occurred: No session found for Process Name[businessProcesses/StarterProcess/REST/RESTService_StarterProcess.process] ID[Job-172] BW-RESTJSON-3000001

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