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How to only show data that is in the timeframe filter that I have in a cross table

Jake Werber

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I have a cross table that is showing what date and the hours for the date that they were scheduled to work but had a no call no show for employees, it also show what there schedule is for the next 7 days. The problem I am having is with the table showing people that have not had a NCNS in the time frame of the date filter I am using. For example Joe Smith had a NCNS on 07/01/2020 but I filtered it down to show 10/28/2020 - 11/05/2020 the cross table is still showing his name even though he has not had a NCNS in that time frame. I have filtered it through the data limiting to only show people that have had a NCNS. As you can see in the picture I have attached that the top agent has had NCNS and the bottom filter has not but he is still showing. Do you have any suggestions on how I can exclude him
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