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javax.jms.JMSException: Mismatch messaging Style for the specified Shared Resource

goutham reddy

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Hi All,


I am new to TIBCO BW6, we are using TIBCO bw 6.5 version in our project.

While doing POC for JMS, we have configured JMS connection As below:


Messaging Style=Queue/Topic

Provider URL=tcp://localhost:7222

EMS server is up and running but while starting services we are getting below error and BW studio stopping Automatically.


14:01:44.086 INFO [main] com.tibco.thor.frwk - TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.5.1, hotfix 4, build V64, 2020-06-08

@BWEclipseAppNode> 14:02:02.742 INFO [main] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - Started by BusinessStudio.

14:02:10.560 INFO [main] com.tibco.bw.frwk.engine.BWEngine - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-300002: BW Engine [Main] started successfully.

14:02:10.742 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 501c547b-c124-001b-13b9-86df527bfc78] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300001: Started OSGi Framework of AppNode [bWEclipseAppNode] in AppSpace [bWEclipseAppSpace] of Domain [bWEclipseDomain]

14:02:10.912 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 501c547b-c124-001b-13b9-86df527bfc78] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300018: Deploying BW Application [JMS_APP:1.0].

14:02:11.043 INFO [Thread-14] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300019: BW Application [JMS_APP:1.0] is impaired.

14:02:11.065 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 501c547b-c124-001b-13b9-86df527bfc78] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - Started by BusinessStudio, ignoring .enabled settings.

14:02:13.351 INFO [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300021: All Application dependencies are resolved for Application [JMS_APP:1.0]

14:02:16.275 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.bw.thor.runtime.model.Constituent - The following error has occurred for "name: JMS_APP.module version: 1.0.0.qualifier bundle name: JMS_APP.module " which needs to be resolved.

14:02:16.275 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.bw.thor.runtime.model.Constituent - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600053: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentSend_Employee_Data].

com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.api.BWEngineException: TIBCO-BW-CORE-500232: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentSend_Employee_Data], Application [JMS_APP:1.0] due to activity initialization error.

com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.ActivityInitException: TIBCO-BW-CORE-500616: Failed to initialize the activity [JMSSendMessage] in process [jms_app.module.Send_Employee_Data], module [JMS_APP.module] due to activity lifecycle error.

com.tibco.bw.palette.jms.runtime.fault.JMSActivityLifeCycleFault: TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JMS-500001: Invalid configuration data. JMS connection reference is not specified..

javax.jms.JMSException: Mismatch messaging Style for the specified Shared Resource


14:02:16.295 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.bw.thor.runtime.model.Constituent - The following error has occurred for "name: JMS_APP.module version: 1.0.0.qualifier bundle name: JMS_APP.module " which needs to be resolved.

14:02:16.295 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.bw.thor.runtime.model.Constituent - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600053: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentSend_Employee_Data]

14:02:16.295 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-600026: Failed to start BW Application [JMS_APP:1.0]. Reason: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600053: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentSend_Employee_Data].

com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.api.BWEngineException: TIBCO-BW-CORE-500232: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentSend_Employee_Data], Application [JMS_APP:1.0] due to activity initialization error.

com.tibco.bw.core.runtime.ActivityInitException: TIBCO-BW-CORE-500616: Failed to initialize the activity [JMSSendMessage] in process [jms_app.module.Send_Employee_Data], module [JMS_APP.module] due to activity lifecycle error.

com.tibco.bw.palette.jms.runtime.fault.JMSActivityLifeCycleFault: TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-JMS-500001: Invalid configuration data. JMS connection reference is not specified..

javax.jms.JMSException: Mismatch messaging Style for the specified Shared Resource


14:02:16.326 INFO [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300008: Stopped BW Application [JMS_APP:1.0]


Plese Help.


Goutham B.

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