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Having issue installing TIBCO ActiveX BusinessWorks for HL7 with FHIR

Debashish Ghosh

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I downloaded the trial version from the trial link and have Ecllipse Businessworks Studio working for me locally . But it did not come with the plugin - TIBCO ActiveX BusinessWorks for HL7 with FHIR . Hence I tried to download from the Eclipse BusinessWorks WorkBench by Help ->Install New Software -> .

Then I selected the above plugin . But during the installation process it keeps asking for tibco foresight instream home in a popup . I tried to give the Tibco installation directory but then it just keeps processing and doesn't complete. Is there a way to get this plugin installed


We are currently evaluating TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks solution to consume messages from different hospitals in HL7 format and send in to our in-house application after connecting to FHIR format .

Our current volume is about 1.5 million per day and about 2.5 K messages per minute during peak hours. This might grow 4-5 times in the near future .

We are hosted on Azure cloud and as a first implementation we would want to deploy the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks as an application running in a VM . Preferably we would want to explore the possibility of running TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks instance in a container inside a Pod as an Azure Kubernates Service .

With regards to that I have few questions :



Does TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks support conversion from HL7 to FHIR . I saw the HL7 Pallete but I didnt see any option of converting from HL7 to FHIR .

Will it be performant and scale to sustain this volume. Do we have any data on performance numbers

How do I achieve redundancy in this case . So if I want to avoid single point of failure can I have a second TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks instance deployed . In this case suppose if one of the instances goes down and the messages are now directed to another instance how is the message ordering maintained . For example there are 20 messages for a particular channel that still needed to be processed when the instance goes down how is the second instance able to maintain the order of message . Does it have some kind of master-follower architecture between instances that guarantees order of messages

How to achieve multi-tenancy Reading the documentation it seems like there is a single database that stores all the config information and messages . So today the way it is if one of the channels goes rogue and starts dumping all errored messages to the database at a very high rate until the db slows down .. will this affect all other customers residing in the same database

Once the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Businessworks instance is deployed we want to give ability to our support /implementation/application team the ability to view/update the transformation mappings. The current administrative UI looks like a thick client (Eclipse Businessworks Studio)that needs to be installed in each of their machines . Is there a web ui available which is centrally installed where our users can login and based on Role based access control get the rights to view modify configurations



Also we would like to know more details on the pricing . These answers will help us evaluate the tool better


Any help on this is greatly appreciated.





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Hi Debashish, The mentioned plugin should be able to acheive what you are looking for :

. Conversion from HL7 to FHIR

. Scalability, high availability

The documentation is available on line here :


To get more details please contact your local TIBCO office : https://www.tibco.com/contact-us



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