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MFT internet server is not getting installed in one of the machine

Naga Geddada

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Hi Experts,


We are trying to install MFT IS in one of the Linux machine (RHEL 7) and it is not getting installed. It is throwing below error. The same product got installed perfectly in other servers and working fine,

Please find the error:

Exception thrown when determining if config record exists for Table[Config] and HostName [*DefaultTemplate] IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection]

[log: Exception thrown when adding local config record: com.proginet.sift.dbaccess.DBAccessException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (CFCC.SYS_C008394) violated



com.proginet.sift.dbaccess.DBAccessException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (CFCC.SYS_C008394) violated


IS version: 8.2.1

Oracle version: 12C

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